Big Brother Season 20 recap: Faysal promises to save both Kaitlyn and Haleigh

BIG BROTHER -- Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS -- Acquired via CBS Press Express
BIG BROTHER -- Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS -- Acquired via CBS Press Express /

On Big Brother Season 20, Faysal is caught in the middle between Kaitlyn and Haleigh. A former houseguest returns to host the PoV competition.

Sam takes it upon herself to decide how a young lady should behave in the BB house. Nominations are always personal — even though everyone swears they aren’t — and it feels like Sam might be a bit jealous of Kaitlyn and Haleigh. Her decision to put them on the block, and her slut shaming of the women is the opposite of female empowerment.

This all spells trouble for Faysal, since the two people he’s closest to in the house are on the block. If he plays in the veto comp and wins, he has no idea what he’ll do.

Nobody else in the house is particularly down with Sam’s speech. Kaycee doesn’t think Haleigh or Kaitlyn are guilty of disrespecting anyone else in the house intentionally and thinks this is all a bit “savage” on Sam’s part.

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Rockstar isn’t on board with putting two women on the block when Brett is a player who’s causing all kinds of controversy.

Kaitlyn and Haleigh attempt to defend themselves, but Sam refuses to engage, urging the two women to channel whatever they’re feeling into the veto competition.

If Sam wins the Power of Veto, she plans on keeping noms the same. She knows whoever gets evicted has a shot at returning to the house, but Sam doesn’t believe either Kaitlyn or Haleigh has the “grit” to fight their way back.

If someone pulls one of her noms off the block, Sam plans to put up Rockstar as a replacement. Rockstar is tight with Kaitlyn and Haleigh, and she’s clashing with Brett, so she’s an easy target.

Once the nominations are locked, Sam plans on telling the two nominees about the Bonus Life. This means if one of them comes back, it’s because of Sam, and she plans to take the credit. I’m not sure that means all will be forgiven, especially after the viciousness of her nomination speech.

Kaitlyn decides to confront Sam, explaining she’s not upset she’s on the block, but she’s deeply hurt by Sam’s belief that Kaitlyn is disrespectful of men and isn’t the poster girl for female empowerment.

Sam brings up Kaitlyn’s relationships with Faysal and Tyler. Kaitlyn doesn’t deny the guys are her friends, but she swears that if a man and a woman were up against each other, she’s a “girls’ girl.”

Kaitlyn claims she’s an affectionate person. She likes to be touched, and if that’s her downfall, so be it. But to have Sam call her out on it makes Kaitlyn sad because Sam is a woman.

Kaitlyn may think she’s an empowered female, but Sam believes they have different definitions of what empowered means. In the Diary Room, Sam explains that she’s old-fashioned.  She doesn’t get by in life by batting her eyelashes and asking for hugs.  Sam commands and demands respect because she gives it.

A stressed-out Fessy goes to Sam. He knows that at this point in the game, no matter what he does, it’s going to upset somebody. Faysal has an excellent track record when it comes to winning veto comps, and if he emerges victorious once again, Sam urges him to follow his heart and do what’s right.

Sam and Fessy haven’t always been close, but Sam thinks a lot of the guy, and she wants him to stand up for himself. He’s a man, and he can make up his own mind. Sam doesn’t plan to pressure him.

During their private HoH room chat, Sam reveals she’s adored Fessy since jump because she saw the real him. She tells him he’s kind and so “whole.” Fessy jumps on top of Sam, giving her a huge hug which Sam is only too happy to accept. Who’s the hypocrite now, Sam? Who’s acting less than empowered?

Sam’s so worried about Kaitlyn and Haleigh disrespecting Faysal, but his lovey-dovey routine is just a scheme to appeal to Sam’s soft side. He wants to ensure he doesn’t go up as a replacement nominee.

Faysal covers his bases, working both Kaitlyn and Haleigh. He wants each of them to pick him if they draw Houguest’s Choice. Neither woman wants to do it. Kaitlyn’s not sure she can trust him to use the veto on her and worries he’ll throw the comp to avoid being put in the position of choosing between his besties. Kaitlyn does take one giant step backward for womankind when she pouts and pleads with Fessy to “Save me.”

Haleigh has the same concerns about Faysal as Kaitlyn, but Faysal wants Haleigh to pick him, promising her he’ll save her. I’m not clear if Faysal is being genuine and means what he says when he’s saying it, or if he’s playing Kaitlyn and Haleigh hardcore. For someone so concerned about being put in an awkward position, he seems to get off on it.

In the DR, Faysal admits he’s a sucker for love, and he is leaning towards saving Haleigh.

When the time comes to pick players for the veto comp, Sam draws Houseguest’s Choice and picks JC. Kaitlyn is saddled with Rockstar. Haleigh also gets Houseguest’s Choice and chooses Fessy.

Prior to the comp, Kaitlyn pulls Faysal aside. She wants him to ensure his safety. She agrees to throw the comp, so he can win and save her. This guarantees both of their safety (or so Kaitlyn thinks), but Faysal is nowhere on Sam’s radar, and I have no idea why he thinks he would be.

Faysal, who is becoming more and more unlikable, immediately runs to Haleigh to tell her about his deal with Kaitlyn. He promises Haleigh he will save her.

Big Brother brings back Rachel Reilly to host the veto competition: Chop! Bonk! Spank! Each player stands in a machine and has to endure a sequence of chops, bonks and spanks. Afterwards, they must correctly answer questions like “What was the first action to happen twice?” and “Were you chopped more or spanked more?” After seven sequences, the houseguest who answers the most questions correctly wins the PoV.

Faysal wins the Golden Power of Veto. Haleigh and Kaitlyn both think this is great since Fessy promised to save them both. Kaitlyn reassures Fessy that saving her is the right thing to do because whoever goes on the block against Haleigh is sure to leave the house. Kaitlyn believes she’s more likely to go home because she’s played a more aggressive game.

Fessy may have done a great job of convincing both women that he’ll save them, but now that he’s got to make a choice, he’s doing some backpedaling. Kaitlyn begins to question Fessy’s loyalty, questioning if he’s been whispering the same sweet nothings in Haleigh’s ear as he has in hers. At first Fessy tries to deny it, but Kaitlyn pushes, and Faysal finally confesses he’s trying to figure out the best option.

At the Veto Meeting, Faysal chooses to save Haleigh. Sam states she hasn’t really thought about who to put up, so she’s going to put up somebody the whole house really enjoys, and who also happens to be her best friend. She looks at JC, reassuring him she thinks he’ll stay.

JC responds he doesn’t think this is the right thing to do, and he would never do that to her. Sam has a change of heart and puts up Rockstar. Sam comes clean about her Power App. letting everyone know that whoever’s evicted will have a chance to come back.

Big Brother 20: Bring back luxury competitions. dark. Next

Will Kaitlyn forgive Faysal? Who should go home, Rockstar or Kaitlyn? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

Big Brother Season 20 airs Sundays at 8/7c, Wednesdays at 9/8c and Thursdays at 9/8c on CBS. Tune in Thursday, July 26 to see who gets evicted next.