Big Brother 20 recap: Spoilers from August 1 episode includes Power of Veto winner

Big Brother 20: Bayleigh Dayton, Swaggy C share wedding plans. (Bayleigh Dayton Photo: Monty Brinton/CBS)
Big Brother 20: Bayleigh Dayton, Swaggy C share wedding plans. (Bayleigh Dayton Photo: Monty Brinton/CBS) /

Big Brother 20 recap time has arrived. Spoilers from the August 1 episode (Episode 16) will make up the core of this article. Among the things that will get revealed to the CBS audience are the Power of Veto winner and the final nominees for eviction this week.

The BB APP Store and the HOH Competition results were covered in the “previously on Big Brother” segment. The Big Brother 20 recap of the July 29 episode continued by showing who Bayleigh Dayton targeted for eviction. She placed Brett Robinson and Rachel Swindler on the block. Brett was her primary target and Rachel was just getting used as a pawn. Now, CBS viewers will find out if Bayleigh’s plans worked this week.

Diary Room sessions

Bayleigh had her Diary Room coverage first, telling how she felt Brett was a threat and that she hoped to work with Rachel. Brett stated that he had a “gut feeling” he was about to get nominated and he was (again) excited to have the chance to compete for the Power of Veto. Rachel broke down in her Diary Room session, crying about being on the block for the first time this summer. The Week 5 Have-Nots were also revealed on the live feeds at that time but didn’t make it into the August 1 episode. A previous report by Inside the BB House covers who became a Have-Not.

Tyler Crispen gets to work

After not getting nominated, Tyler went to speak with Bayleigh to make sure he didn’t end up getting backdoored. She hinted that she wanted the nominations to stay the same and Tyler told her everything she wanted to hear. In his own Diary Room session, he stated that he might take Rachel or Brett of the block if he were to win the Power of Veto.

Big Brother 20 recap: Bayleigh meetings

First, JC Mounduix went to tell Bayleigh that Faysal Shafaat was taking credit for the nominees. Bayleigh went and woke up Faysal to have a chat with him and tell him how disappointed she was. It didn’t go well. Then, Rachel went to speak with Bayleigh, stating that she was worried Brett would go home and that she was helping it happen. Bayleigh was not pleased that Rachel was worried about Brett still.

Picking players for Power of Veto Competition

Bayleigh (HOH) and the two nominees (Brett and Rachel) were joined by three additional Veto Competition participants. Bayleigh picked Sam Bledsoe, Rachel picked JC Mounduix, and Brett picked Tyler Crispen.

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Week 5 Veto Competition

Done in the backyard, it was a large competition area. First, the houseguests had to build a road through a constructed town, using large puzzle pieces. Then, they had to drive a foot-powered car through the town to deliver cardboard cutouts of the four evicted houseguests. The houseguest to finish it the fastest would win the Power of Veto.

The competition itself took hours to finish, with producers turning off the live feeds on the big day. After the six houseguests had all completed their challenge, Rockstar revealed the times. JC, Sam, and Rachel all timed out at 30 minutes each. In the end, Tyler Crispen won the Power of Veto, finishing in fewer than seven minutes.

Tyler goes to work on Bayleigh again

Tyler was forced to make a big decision. Two of his Level Six alliance members were on the block and he could only possibly save one of them. Brett and Rachel both spoke during Diary Room sessions about their hopes of getting saved. Tyler tried to set the stage of Scottie Salton getting backdoored by telling Bayleigh that Scottie was his only friend in the BB20 house.

Later, Rachel met with Bayleigh, where the two decided to work together, and Bayleigh stated that she was going to work hard on forcing Tyler to keep the nominations the same. Following the meeting, though, Rachel went to Angela Rummans, telling her that Tyler wanted Angela to become a replacement nominee if Brett was saved. Angela did not believe Rachel and went to Kaycee with that information. Then, Kaycee went to Tyler. The Level Six alliance was starting to impload.

Veto Ceremony: End of Big Brother 20 recap

At the Veto Ceremony, Tyler Crispen decided to not use the Power of Veto. The nominations remained the same, meaning Brett Robinson and Rachel Swindler will be on the block during the August 2 Eviction Ceremony. Bayleigh got what she wanted, but will her target go home next?

Next. Tyler Crispen Is The Most Popular Player In The BB20 House. dark

The next Big Brother 20 recap will come from the August 2 episode, Thursday night at 9/8c on CBS. For readers who want to take a look at how the eviction vote currently stands, here are a few Big Brother 20 spoilers from the live feeds ready for consumption.