Big Brother 20 returned with a new episode on August 5. There are a number of spoilers included in this Episode 18 recap, including HOH nominations, a Hacker Competition, and how the new twist will work.
A lot of the “previously on Big Brother” segment focused on Bayleigh Dayton getting the Identity Theft app and how her week as Head of Household went terribly wrong. During their August 2 Big Brother 20 recap, Rachel Swindler was shown getting evicted, while Brett Robinson told everyone about Bayleigh’s power. Then, Angela Rummans won the Head of Household Competition, giving her the power in the game to target people for eviction.
Emotions are high after HOH
Brett had the first Diary Room session, laughing about how he remained in the house, calling the other side of the house “losers.” Rockstar cried during her Diary Room about how close she was to win the HOH. It had come down to a tiebreaker, with Angela beating Rockstar on that final question. Then, it was time for Angela to take center stage, revealing that it was her plan to have Brett go after Bayleigh in his Eviction Ceremony speech.
A scene was shown from before the Eviction Ceremony that production had held back, where Tyler Crispen went to Bayleigh to tell her he had to vote to evict Rachel. Bayleigh then got her own Diary Room session, where she stated that she was really upset with Brett. Bayleigh was also pretty upset that people knew about her power app, even though she was the one who had started telling people about it.
Big Brother 20 recap: Who flipped the vote?
Bayleigh went around the BB20 house, trying to figure out who flipped during the eviction vote. It was Tyler, which was revealed during the live vote, but Bayleigh trusts him too much to doubt his word. Then, JC Mounduix, Tyler, and Kaycee Clark were shown celebrating what had just taken place.
Sounds like #BBBrett is back to his normal self…#BB20
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 6, 2018
Hacker Competition rules revealed
An announcement was made about the Hacker Competition and the powers that the Hacker would receive. The Hacker would be allowed to remove a nominee choice and put someone else on the block, choose a player to join Veto Competition, and eliminate an eviction vote. The competition will appear later in this August 5 Big Brother 20 recap.
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Sam Bledsoe calls House Meeting
Sam called a House Meeting to suggest that everyone let her win so that she could then not use the power. She was met with a bit of backlash, as she was basically offering to take control, and several people already don’t trust her in the BB20 house. People on both sides of the house, including Rockstar, Angela, and Tyler said it was a bad idea.
In the end, Sam tabled the idea, as she wasn’t getting anywhere with this idea. Much of what took place in the kitchen conversation didn’t get covered, including how close they were to talking a secret vote. No agreement was made, though, as nobody wanted to let Sam have all that power.
Nomination plan
After Level Six celebrated in the HOH Room about controlling the house, the four remaining members started talking about nominations. Angela stated that she was planning to put Rockstar and Scottie Salton on the block. She also noted that she wanted them to win the Hacker power and put Bayleigh on the block before she could use her Identity Theft power. They broke the meeting with a plan to win the Hacker Competition.
Week 6 Nomination Ceremony
Angela Rummans nominated Scottie Salton and Rockstar for eviction. Angela spoke in a Diary Room session after she revealed her nominations, stating how pleased she was that Bayleigh had not used the Identity Theft power to change the nominees.
Let the hacking begin! #BB20
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 6, 2018
First Hacker Competition
The 11 competing houseguests were taken to separate rooms, where they had to unscramble words on computer screens. After three rounds, Haleigh Broucher and Angela Rummans were tied with two points each to lead the way. Scottie Salton would take the lead a bit later, as they went to a sixth round. The most points after seven rounds would win the first Hacker Competition. In the end, Haleigh won the Hacker Competition.
Hacker Power used
The BB Hacker changed the nominations. Scottie was removed from the block and Tyler Crispen was put up in his place. Heading into the Power of Veto Competition, the nominees were Rockstar and Tyler.
That brings an end to the August 5 Big Brother 20 recap. The next episode is on Wednesday night (August 8) at 8/7c on CBS.