The Flash Interview: Grant Gustin breaks down Barry & Nora’s ‘weird’ relationship

The Flash -- "We Are The Flash" -- Image Number: FLA423a_0053b.jpg -- Pictured: Grant Gustin as Barry Allen/The Flash -- Photo: Shane Harvey/The CW -- © 2018 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved
The Flash -- "We Are The Flash" -- Image Number: FLA423a_0053b.jpg -- Pictured: Grant Gustin as Barry Allen/The Flash -- Photo: Shane Harvey/The CW -- © 2018 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved

Join us as we sit down with The Flash’s leading man Grant Gustin who spills the beans on Barry’s “weird” dynamic with his time-traveling daughter Nora, Barry and Iris’ initial reaction to their daughter’s visit from the future and more!

When Season 4 of The Flash came to a close, the West-Allen family celebrated the welcomed arrival of the family’s newest member, Cecile and Joe’s new baby girl, after finally defeating Season 4 nemesis The Thinker. However, their celebration was unexpected crashed by another distant relative of the family when Barry and Iris’ daughter from the future made a surprise visit searching for help.

Having made a mysterious mistake – not including her decision to travel back in time – Nora West-Allen is in need of dire assistance, assistance she’s hoping her parents and Team Flash can provide. Although the season faded to black before viewers had the chance to witness Barry or Iris’ immediate reaction to Nora’s sudden appearance, Nora’s arrival is set to play a major role in Season 5 and her arrival will set the stage for the introduction of several new dynamics including that of Barry and Nora’s father-daughter relationship.

Needless to say the relationship between Barry and Nora was at the forefront of our mind when we caught up with star Grant Gustin at San Diego Comic-Con to learn all about the dynamic set to be shared between Barry and Nora!

Q. We’ve heard a lot about how Barry and Nora will form an interesting dynamic this season, so what can you tell us about the relationship we can expect to see between the father-daughter duo? 

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Grant Gustin: Obviously, it’s an interesting dynamic; it’s a bomb that has been dropped on us. I think at first there is a little bit of skepticism and apprehension because we’ve had people show up before and say, “Hey I’m this person,” and then they’re not. Barry and Iris have a moment where we they both just feel like it’s her; gut instinct tells us this is our daughter. 

Iris is mostly excited that they have this seemingly amazing kid who is here and has time traveled to see us. She wants to get to know her and connect with her before we send her back home.  Meanwhile, I think Barry is [wondering] why is she here and why did she time travel, [thinking] I can’t imagine that I didn’t tell her she can’t do that kind of thing because I learned the hard way.  I think he’s a little worried because he’s always wanted a kid and always wanted a family, but he’s had so much of his life dictated and robbed from him by these powers and time travel. 

It’s why his mom was murdered, it’s why his dad was in prison while he was growing up and now he’s worried that [Nora’s time traveling] could affect the future of their family. There’s a line at one point that she could “Marty McFly herself out of existence” just being here. So yeah, there’s a little worry too because we don’t want to make it to where she doesn’t exist.

Q. Of course, adding an extra layer to the dynamic is the fact that Barry, Iris and Nora are all close in age. Will the characters’ ages affect or influence how Barry approaches fathering Nora? 

Gustin: I don’t know that Barry thinks of it in terms of, “Oh God, now I’ve got to be a dad.” They’re basically peers, so it’s a weird dynamic. I think he wants to teach her how to hone her powers because it becomes clear that she doesn’t necessarily understand them and have a hold on them in the way Barry does at this point. 

He wants to help her get back to her time, while also trying to figure out what time anomalies have been created by her being here and [whether] they need to fix any of them before we send her back. I feel it’s more like a mentor role. 

For more on what’s to come for Barry this season on The Flash including details on the season’s family theme and the energy the show’s latest addition brings, check out our complete interview with Grant Gustin below! 

Don’t miss the Season 5 premiere of The Flash Tuesday, October 9 at 8/7c only on The CW. 

Are you looking forward to seeing Barry and Nora’s relationship develop this season? Thoughts on Grant Gustin’s comments about the duo’s “weird dynamic” and how Barry will be approaching Nora’s arrival? Keep the conversation going in the comments section below!