Big Brother 20 episode 26 aired Thursday night on CBS. The August 23 episode was an important one, as the third member of the BB20 jury would be decided and a new Head of Household would get crowned.
During the “previously on Big Brother” segment, Faysal Shafaat was shown putting his plan in place to get Scottie Salton out of the game. He was pretty excited about what he had done so far, putting Scottie and Brett Robinson on the block. The end of the last Big Brother 20 episode came to a close after Sam Bledsoe and Scottie tried to get Faysal to put Haleigh Broucher on the block.
What happened after the Veto Competition?
Host Julie Chen opened the episode by revealing that it is Day 65 in the Big Brother house. She stated that Faysal had “managed to mismanage the HOH” this week. Faysal was then shown telling Haleigh what Scottie had suggested It was then time to show the Level Six alliance taking advantage of Haleigh crying. Kaycee Clark said Scottie was playing the game “dirty” for suggesting that Faysal put Haleigh on the block. Maybe the producers will show later that Kaycee tried to get Haleigh nominated too? Maybe not?
Do you have your popcorn ready? #BB20 starts NOW!
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 24, 2018
Later, Haleigh approached Scottie about what was going on, and they had a tearful conversation where he apologized. He stated that he still didn’t understand what was going on and how he became the target of his own alliance. Scottie would approach Faysal to take back his suggestion, where he also stated that he had feelings for Haleigh. Faysal had a great time joking about it and talking down Scottie in a Diary Room session.
Week 8 Veto Meeting
Brett Robinson hosted the Veto Meeting, where Scottie told Faysal that he should use Sam Bledsoe as the replacement nominee. Brett then took himself off the block. Faysal took the stage, deciding this was the time to rail against Scottie in front of everyone, and then he placed Kaycee Clark on the block. The nominees for the upcoming Eviction Ceremony would be Scottie and Kaycee. Apparently, producers aren’t going to reveal the secret plan Faysal had yet?
Sometimes, all you can do is laugh. #BB20
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 24, 2018
Final four deal?
Faysal Shafaat, Haleigh Broucher, Tyler Crispen, and Angela Rummans made a final four deal. Obviously, Tyler and Angela have no plan to honor their word here, as they still have the Level Six alliance going strong. They weren’t going to share that information with Brett Robinson and Kaycee Clark, though, for fear that their alliance members might turn on them. As noted in a Diary Room session, Tyler has a deal now with all eight of the other houseguests. Is Tyler the new Paul Abrahamian in the Big Brother game?
Tyler, in a Diary Room session, said his ideal final four would be himself, Angela, Kaycee, and JC Mounduix. He also stated that his ideal final two would be himself and Kaycee. With all of the deals he had in place, Tyler stated that he didn’t want to win the next Head of Household Competition.
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Big Brother 20 “live” vote and eviction
Angela Rummans voted to evict Scottie Salton, JC Mounduix voted for Scottie, Tyler Crispen voted for Scottie, Haleigh Broucher voted to evict Scottie, Brett Robinson voted to evict Scottie, and Sam Bledsoe made it a unanimous 6-0 vote. Scottie is now the third member of the BB20 jury, joining Rockstar (Angie Lantry) and Bayleigh Dayton in the jury house.
The most important HOH Competition of the summer?
There are just eight people competing for the $500,000 prize and it was time to play another Head of Household Competition. Faysal Shafaat would have to watch as the outgoing HOH. The competition involved searching for game pieces in the backyard and presenting them to Faysal in order to roll a ball down a course. The first person to roll it all the way to the end would be the new Head of Household.
The competition will mostly take place on the live feeds, as it didn’t really get started during the episode. Time ran out, but that appears to have been the plan anyways. Readers wanting to follow along live can learn the Big Brother 20 spoilers here.
That brings an end to the August 23 Big Brother 20 recap. The next episode will take place on Sunday, August 26. Before then, quite a few new Big Brother 20 spoilers are going to get revealed on the live feeds, including the new nominees for eviction.