Mom season 6, episode 2 Recap: How serious is Christy’s gambling problem?

MOM -- Photo: Darren Michaels/Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. -- Acquired via CBS Press Express
MOM -- Photo: Darren Michaels/Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. -- Acquired via CBS Press Express

This week on Mom, Gambler’s Anonymous has Christy wondering how serious her gambling addiction actually is. Also, Bonnie is playing chaperone to Mr. Munson this week, to hilarious results.

Over lunch with her sponsor, Nora, Christy complains about how awful GA is because she doesn’t feel like it’s helping her addiction, but the food is really good. Even though she just got her 90-day keychain, Christy decides that she’s going to stop going.

When she gets home, Bonnie, Wendy, Jill, and Marjorie surprise Christy with a chocolate cake in honor of her receiving that momentous keychain. After learning Bonnie made the cake from scratch (aka from a box), Christy doesn’t have the heart to tell them she is planning on not going to GA anymore.

MOM — Photo: Darren Michaels/Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. — Acquired via CBS Press Express
MOM — Photo: Darren Michaels/Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. — Acquired via CBS Press Express

Christy and Nora chat on the former’s way to GA the next day. Surprised to hear her change of heart, Nora asks Christy what changed her mind. Learning that the cake Bonnie made her was the very first ever, Nora gives her a hug, which Christy described as “a blanket right out of the dryer.” Encouraged to give GA a fair shot, Christy heads into the meeting and immediately hits it off with a few other addicts.

Back at the apartment, Bonnie comes home to find Mr. Munson outside waiting for her to take him to his radiation treatment. In his usual fashion, Mr. Munson does his best to make Bonnie feel dumb, proving to be her best foil. On their way to doctor, Mr. Munson manages to guilt trip Bonnie into letting him drive her car for a little bit in an empty parking lot.

MOM — Photo: Darren Michaels/Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. — Acquired via CBS Press Express
MOM — Photo: Darren Michaels/Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. — Acquired via CBS Press Express

At the bistro, Christy and her new GA friend Ned share gambling stories. Learning he is 22 years sober after losing everything and nearly being beaten to death, Christy reveals she struggles to relate with his and other stories about gambling. But with an interesting analogy comparing gambling addicts to pickles and cucumbers, Ned convinces Christy to try a little bit of controlled gambling to see which kind of addict she is.

Later that day, Bonnie catches Christy scratching off lottery tickets in their living room. Angry at her daughter for breaking her sobriety, Bonnie heads off to the GA meeting to find Ned. After eyeing the buffet spread, she tells him they need to talk right after she eats a meatball sub.

MOM — Photo: Darren Michaels/Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. — Acquired via CBS Press Express
MOM — Photo: Darren Michaels/Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. — Acquired via CBS Press Express

Over lunch at the bistro the next day, Christy tells the girls all about Bonnie’s embarrassing encounter with Ned. Marjorie, the voice of reason she is, agrees that controlled gambling is a fine step for Christy to be taking to find out if she really needs to go to GA meetings anymore. Jill agreed as well, telling a funny story about her friend who make some questionable, albeit drunken, decisions one night and ended up getting herpes and rabies, the point being she did it despite not being an alcoholic.

While putting away groceries at home, Christy and her mom argue over whether or not Christy should give up GA. Bonnie, who firmly believes she needs to keep going, brings up the fact that Christy has been hustling over pool since she was three years old. Christy, who resents the fact that Bonnie used the bar near the bus stop as a daycare, believes that her mother only cares because it’ll make her look better when Christy graduates from law school. While going through the mail, Christy finds that she has a check for $5,000 made out to her from her student loan provider, and Bonnie is genuinely worried her daughter won’t be able to control herself.

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Later, Christy is in her car outside a casino frantically calling Ned to ask for advice, but he isn’t answering, so she calls Bonnie. After getting there just in time, Bonnie is relieved to hear she didn’t lose any money.

Confessing to her mother that she does have a gambling problem, Christy apologizes for assuming Bonnie wasn’t being genuine with her concern. During a tender moment between the two, they are interrupted by Marjorie, Nora, Jill, and Wendy, who Bonnie called on her way over. Surrounded by her loving friends, Christy admits that she is, indeed, a pickle, not a cucumber.

At a GA meeting the next day, Christy and her new friend Lucy lament over how hard giving up  gambling is. After she asks if Christy would consider being her sponsor, Christy, back at square one herself, decides to share the pickle analogy with Lucy, to try to help her as best she can.

Who else is excited to see some Yvette Nicole Brown this season? I’m so happy Christy stayed strong and didn’t spend her excess student loans at that casino. Hopefully she’ll get more serious about her studies next week. What do you want to see next? Reply in the comments below or send us a tweet @HiddenRemote !