AJ Buckley would love to #BringtheFacersBack on Supernatural

SEAL TEAM -- Photo: screengrab/CBS -- Acquired via CBS Press Express
SEAL TEAM -- Photo: screengrab/CBS -- Acquired via CBS Press Express

While talking to AJ Buckley about his latest series SEAL Team, the discussion of the Ghostfacers came up. Yes, he would love to #BringtheFacersBack on Supernatural.

Every Supernatural fan will know all about the Ghostfacers. AJ Buckley was one half of the duo and has since moved into the role of Sonny in SEAL Team. And yes, the man has certainly changed! You’ll barely recognize him now.

While chatting to him about Sonny, the topic of Supernatural came up. Would he like to #BringtheFacersBack? It turns out he certainly would!

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Of course, if he brought them back, he’d want to do it differently. This time, he’d like to see them stronger and better than ever. Considering how much Buckley has changed, seeing a stronger version of the Ghostfacers would be fun.

The last we saw of the Ghostfacers, they’d split up. We never really got to understand the reasons behind it. They were quickly written in but didn’t make that much sense. And considering everything they’d been through before they’d split up, the ending just didn’t make that much sense. It was clear the showrunners at the time weren’t the biggest fans of the Ghostfacers and just wanted to wrap the story.

Maybe we can have something different now. Bring back a group of veteran ghost hunters who know the truth and can handle everything the supernatural has thrown at them. It would be relatively easy to write in a storyline that would see Ed Zeddmore change considerably over the years since the Ghostfacers were last seen.

You can check out the full interview over at Hidden Remote.

Next. SEAL Team gets a Supernatural hunter on its side. dark

Would you like to #BringtheFacersBack? What do you think about the idea of more grownup characters make their way back to to the show? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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