The return of The Flash took a step back from being the Barry Allen show to give a few other characters time to shine. Find out more in our recap below.
On the most recent episode of The Flash, Nora (Jessica Parker Kennedy) had to step up in Barry’s stead. He wound up being decommissioned after running into another piece of meta-tech controlled by new villain, Silver Ghost (Gabrielle Walsh).
The run-in causes Barry’s powers to become unstable, forcing him into the pipeline at Star Labs. Meanwhile, Nora has to take over Barry’s duties — both as the city’s reigning speedster and the CSI testifying in the case against Joss Mardon (Reina Hardesty).
Cecille West (Danielle Nicolet) is the attorney in charge, taking the lead. She’s prepared to ask for the maximum penalty but a feeling causes her to soften. Cecille then attempts to seek lower sentencing for Joss. Her plan seems to be working until Nora gets up on the stand.
When Nora gets up to speak, she makes a very strong case for why Joss should be given a maximum penalty. Nora drives her point across well but she doesn’t realize that her emotions have gotten the better of her. Of course, it doesn’t matter.
Joss can’t stand to listen to Nora destroy her reputation any further so she confesses to the crime. She’s booked and then escorted a transport — presumably to Iron Heights or another facility for meta-offenders.
However, on the way to their destination, the convoy is stopped by Silver Ghost. She uses a piece of meta-tech to neutralize the armored vehicles’ locks, opening the door for Weather Witch. The two of them can escape in a meta-infused Lamborghini.
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Back at Silver Ghost’s hideout, she explains her plan for an A.R.G.U.S. heist. Joss listens to the plan but ultimately decides on turning herself in. She causes enough of a disturbance at a nearby tower, calling Nora to her. Joss expected the Flash to appear but his protege came in his stead.
Nora immediately jumps to the conclusion that Joss aka Weather Witch is up to no good. She doesn’t have any proof or clues to go off but she believes Joss is a bad person. So, Nora pretends to help Joss uncover the truth but instead turns her into the police without offering any help.
As for the rest of Team Flash, they encounter just as many problems. Cisco and Caitlyn find themselves in conflict as they debate over the ethics of a metahuman cure. Cisco wants a cure to give himself the chance at a normal life and Caitlyn doesn’t want a serum that could be forced on to people unwillingly.
Both Cisco and Caitlyn make good cases for why they’re right, but it’s somewhat resolved when Killer Frost destroys the dark-matter shards Cisco was using to derive a cure from. Cisco is visibly upset by Frost’s random attack and confronts her over it.
Frost, cool as ever, explains why Cisco is making a mistake. He doesn’t want to listen anymore so he walks away, but that’s not the end of it. Caitlyn/Frost eventually help Cisco by taking him to her father’s lab where she suggests they develop a cure together, with the one rule that it never be administered to anyone unwillingly.

On Nora’s end, her bout with Weather Witch doesn’t end with her being recaptured. Joss is freed by Silver Ghost again, bringing along her Weather Wand. The two of them then escape together, heading to A.R.G.U.S. shortly after.
At the facility, Silver Ghost finds one object she’s had her eye on — a prototype car equipped with all kinds of gadgets. She and Weather Witch escape with the car but are spotted by Team Flash during the getaway.
The bad news is Nora and Killer Frost aren’t prepared for what the prototype car can do. They’re the only two heroes in town and the car proves to be a formidable piece of alien tech — and in Ghost’s hands, it becomes a dangerous weapon.
Silver Ghost winds up using it to outmaneuver Killer Frost and circle around Nora. She speeds up with the intent of killing Nora. The young speedster could just run off but sticks around for Joss. Barry convinces his daughter that everyone deserves a second chance and because of that, Nora stepped up for Joss.
In doing so, Nora also granted Joss the opportunity to do the right thing. Joss could’ve easily allowed Silver Ghost to mow Nora down with her car but stopped her instead. Nora, in the position to capture both of them, is about to when Joss uses her Weather Wand to whisk them away. They have to leave the spoils of their heist behind but at least they’re not imprisoned.
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After dealing with Weather Witch and Silver Ghost, Nora has more one trip to make — to the future. There, she returns to Eobard Thawne and decides to follow his plan — whatever maniacal thing that may be. Unfortunately for Nora, someone is on to her.
The ending sequence shows Sherloque Wells (Tom Cavanagh) entering the Time-Vault where Gideon is housed. He enters and is welcomed as Dr. Harrison Wells. Sherloque plays along and inquires about the most pertaining subject — Nora West Allen.
The problem is, there’s no history of Nora in Gideon’s archive because Nora deleted them herself. Sherloque doesn’t say anything else but the look on his face makes it quite clear that he’s onto Nora’s malign plan.
What did you think of Nora stepping into The Flash’s shoes? Can we trust Nora? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
The Flash airs Tuesdays on The CW.