Roswell, New Mexico recap: 8 takeaways from Season 1, Episode 12

Roswell, New Mexico -- Pictured (L-R): Kiowa Gordon as Flint and Tyler Blackburn as Alex -- Photo: Ursula Coyote/The CW -- © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved
Roswell, New Mexico -- Pictured (L-R): Kiowa Gordon as Flint and Tyler Blackburn as Alex -- Photo: Ursula Coyote/The CW -- © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved /
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Roswell, New Mexico
Roswell, New Mexico — Pictured (L-R): Jeanine Mason as Liz and Lily Cowles as Isobel — Photo: Ursula Coyote/The CW — © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved /

In the penultimate episode of Roswell, New Mexico’s first season, Noah’s life hangs in the balance and the truth about Caulfield prison is revealed.

Only one episode remains in the first season of Roswell, New Mexico and if it’s anything like the penultimate episode then I’m going to need an extra box of tissues. Tonight’s episode was a brutal awakening to horrors of Roswell’s bloodstained history books. Let’s delve into the 8 main takeaways from Season 1, Episode 12 of Roswell, New Mexico.

8. Cam is leaving town.

Now that the Max/Liz train has officially left the station and begun its romantic journey, there isn’t much point of having Cam around. I would have liked Cam to have a bigger story arc but her purpose was to be a romantic foil to Liz and little else.

For now, her part in Roswell, New Mexico is done (and hey, that frees Riley Voelkel up for a potential Legacies guest spot in season two… just saying.) Cam’s sister has been relegated to a different prison in Ohio and Cam wants to move closer to her. I guess she’s finally free of Jesse Manes?

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7. Liz has been marked by Noah.

When Noah feels scared, Liz feels scared – not a good sign. It turns out, the mark Noah left on Liz’s chest after their gala scuffle has linked her to him. Their connection means Liz can feel whatever Noah is feeling and it forces her to sympathize with him whether she wants to or not.

It also creates a crisis of conscience when the time comes to decide whether or not they should let Noah die by Liz’s serum or give him the antidote.

Liz cannot allow him to die, not because she wants him to live, but because she refuses to be a killer. Max eventually takes the onus of that choice on for himself. He takes the antidote. Therefore, he is the one refusing to cure Noah and not Liz. Find yourself a man willing to murder so you can keep your hands clean girls!

6. Noah was using Isobel’s body without her knowledge for years.

As if possessing Isobel and forcing her to murder people wasn’t bad enough, it turns out Noah had slipped inside a crack in her psyche ages before the entire Rosa incident. Isobel has been horrendously violated in both body and mind by this creature.

He fed off her strength and vitality until he was strong enough to shape-shift and become his own man once more. He used her to kill so he could absorb the life force of his victims and keep himself young. Poor Isobel. The idea of someone doing that to her body without her consent, especially someone she loved, is a nightmare. I can’t imagine she’ll be able to recover from the trauma anytime soon.

5. Caulfield is a prison for aliens.

Alex, Kyle, and Michael make the heinous discovery of Sheriff Valenti’s old prison stomping grounds. In reality, the supposedly defunct building has actually been a secret alien testing lab for the past seven decades.

Housed in the former cells are hundreds of aliens who have gone mad with fear and fright after being tested and tortured year after year by Jim Valenti and his partner, Jesse Manes. It is a grisly realization, made even worse by the fact Alex’s own brother is there manning the facility. Alex is truly the only good guy out of the whole damaged Manes bloodline.