A secret about how to stop Crowley is revealed in Supernatural Season 6, Episode 4. Here’s a look back at Weekend at Bobby’s.
Bobby attempts to get his soul back in Supernatural Season 6, Episode 4, while Sheriff Jody Mills returns attempting to help cover up some of the things he does to protect people. Here’s a look at the events of the episode in a throwback recap.
The year before
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We start a year earlier, where Bobby has summoned Crowley. He wants to get his soul back, stating that it was part of the deal. However, Crowley points out that the contract only states he’ll “make best efforts” to get the soul back and he’ll give Bobby 10 years of life.
Of course, Bobby didn’t come in empty-handed and has Crowley trapped in a devil’s trap. Crowley threatens with a hellhound until he’s released. He’s not giving back the soul just yet.
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The case of a lamia
In the present day, the Winchesters are on a case. Bobby finds out that they’re hunting a lamia. It’s not this case that’s the may point of the storyline, though. We quickly learn that Bobby has someone tied up in his basement.
It’s a crossroads demon and Bobby wants Crowley’s real name. After some torturing of some bones, the demon shares that Crowley was a Scottish man, Fergus MacLeod. And he’s called “Lucky the Leprechaun” behind his back – erm, wrong nation! – and also that he’s now the King of Hell. With all the information he needs, Bobby torches the bones he has and the demon is burned away.
If only that was it for Bobby that weekend.

A weekend at Bobby’s
We get to see what life is like for Bobby on a normal weekend. He spends time answering phone calls here and there to help back up various hunters posing as law enforcement until Rufus knocks at the door. The police are after him and Rufus needs help buring the body of an okami.
The body is buried on Bobby’s property and Rufus can leave. However, Sheriff Jody Mills shows up with FBI Agent Adams. Adams wants Rufus and even finds the spot the okami was buried. Rufus hadn’t stabbed the okami enough times and it’s managed to escape, killing single white females in their sleep.
One of the women the okami may be after is Bobby’s neighbor, who is clearly sweet on Bobby. He breaks down her door and scares her, but sure enough, the okami was after her. He manages to use her wood chipper, which he’d fixed, to kill the creature, covering the woman in blood at the same time. That relationship is definitely over.

The Winchesters step in to help
After dealing with their case, Dean calls Bobby to talk about Sam. However, Bobby has other issues at hand. Rufus has found out that Fergus had a son, Gavin. Gavin’s signet ring is part of a maritime museum display and Rufus has stolen it, so now he’s on the run from law enforcement. Just a typical weekend, right?
Dean calls Bobby selfish, leading Bobby to get him to put him on speaker phone. After shouting at Dean and Sam, he makes a point that his soul is still in Crowley’s hands and he needs help.
Jody manages to help Rufus “escape” custody after being caught, getting the ring to Bobby. That gives Bobby a chance to summon Gavin’s ghost, who shares all the information Bobby needs. When Crowley shows up again, he points out that he and Gavin never liked each other. That’s not the bargaining chip he has, though. He has Crowley’s bones.
Crowley gets confirmation from the Winchesters, who are currently in Scotland over his grave. Bobby offers the bones in exchange for his soul back and Crowley had no choice but to agree. However, Bobby also wants to still have use of his legs. It’s all done, although Dean wants to negate on the deal and burn the bones. It’s Sam who stops him.
Crowley takes his bones and disappears. That’s it, for now.
What did you think about seeing a weekend at Bobby’s? What were your favorite moments from Supernatural Season 6, Episode 4? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
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