Bob’s Burgers: Land of the Loft and other great Belcher kid shenanigans

ByRebecca Mills|
BOB'S BURGERS: The kids challenge their babysitter, Jen, and face the storm in an ice cream truck in the "Land of the Loft" episode of BOBÕS BURGERS airing Sunday, Nov. 17 (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. BOB'S BURGERSª and © 2019 TCFFC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CR: FOX
BOB'S BURGERS: The kids challenge their babysitter, Jen, and face the storm in an ice cream truck in the "Land of the Loft" episode of BOBÕS BURGERS airing Sunday, Nov. 17 (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. BOB'S BURGERSª and © 2019 TCFFC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CR: FOX

In this week’s Bob’s Burgers, Land of the Loft sees the Belcher kids again dealing with shenanigans. These are some of their best, can’t-miss adventures.

While some might think that Bob is the main focus due to the title, it’s the exact opposite. Bob is a major character, yes but the focus quickly shifts to the Belcher kids. Tina, Gene and Louise Belcher are arguably the best groupings on Bob’s Burgers. While Bob and Linda might not agree, it’s probably because they always end up getting into shenanigans for lack of a better word.

Of all the kids, Tina is the most level-headed but she’s also the most easily persuaded, too. As for Gene, he just seems to go along with what everyone else wants. Louise is easily the mastermind of the entire group. She comes up with the plan, gets everyone involved and almost always finds a way to keep them out of trouble.

In this week’s Bob’s Burgers, “The Land of the Loft,” the kids once again get involved in some shenanigans but this time, with their babysitter. It’s not the first time, though so this is going to be a highlight reel of their best adventures. Of course, everything will culminate in talking about the new episode so there will be spoilers from “The Land of the Loft.” With the spoiler warning out of the way, let’s get into some of the best Belcher kid adventures.

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Starting off with Season 1, one episode jumps out to me and that’s “Weekend at Mort’s.” While their parents are trying to relax, the kids decide to explore the morgue. It seems innocent at first until they almost cremate Bob accidentally. Pretty morbid, but that’s kind of the vibe that Season 1 had. Moving ahead to Season 2, another note-worthy adventure came via “The Belchies,” a parody of The Goonies in which the Belcher kids and their friends try to find treasure in an abandoned taffy factory.

Once again, “The Belchies” is another episode that could have resulted in disaster. Thankfully, the kids, their friends along with Bob and Linda were able to get out. Season 3 gave us “It Snakes a Village” in which Louise and Tina go snake-hunting until they get caught up and Gene has to save them. Considering they could’ve died, this is easily a theme in almost all of their early shenanigans.

Season 4 is an easy pick with “The Kids Rob a Train.” Paired up with Regular-Size Rudy, the Belchers steal some chocolate after being stuck in the kids’ train cart. They get caught in the end but not before they reap all of the benefits. Getting to the halfway point, there is Season 5’s “Adventures in Chinchilla-sitting” in which the kids lose Louise’s class chinchilla and must recruit others to help them get him back. Thankfully, they get him back and Louise learns a valuable lesson along the way.

Photo Credit: Bob’s Burgers/Fox, Acquired From Fox Flash
Photo Credit: Bob’s Burgers/Fox, Acquired From Fox Flash

As for Season 6, “Stand By Gene” follows the kids and their friends as they try to find a two-butted goat, resulting in some unlikely pairings. Season 7 doesn’t really feature an adventure with the kids so it’s only right to move ahead to Season 8. Season 8’s adventure takes place at school, a rarity on this list. “The Secret Ceramics Room of Secrets” follows Gene, Louise and Tina as they try to find a birthday gift for their grandmother and uncover a secret that a certain someone has been trying to hide.

There’s Season 9’s “What About Blob?” which follows the kids working together to save plankton that Gene has become attached to. Some of their other friends get involved with mixed results but it’s one of their rare adventures in Season 9. Before getting into “Land of the Loft,” here are few honorable mentions: “Bob Fires the Kids,” “O.T.: The Outside Toilet,” “Midday Run,” and “The Wolf of Wharf Street.”

Getting into this week’s Bob’s Burgers “Land of the Loft,” the kids convince their babysitter Jen to tour her cousin’s ice cream truck that she drove there. Instead of going to bed, they convince Jen to drive them around in the ice cream truck but they get stuck on a patch of ice. Eventually, Jen comes up with a plan to find her cousin at Pickles where he works and Bob and Linda meet up with them there.

As far as adventures go, “Land of the Loft” easily takes the cake for one of the wildest. Only the Belcher kids would end up at a male strip-club with their babysitter. Considering that Pickles is a throwback to Season 1, it was nice to see the show give it a little nod. Plus seeing Jen’s hot cousin, Dave was the icing on the cake. While “Land of the Loft” might not be the best example, it’s definitely noteworthy.

Bob’s Burgers airs Sundays on Fox at 9/8c. 

What did you think of the Belcher kids’ adventure in “Land of the Loft?” Any adventures you think I missed? Be sure to let me know!