5 good Netflix shows to watch on Thanksgiving

Photo credit: Netflix, acquired from Netflix press site
Photo credit: Netflix, acquired from Netflix press site /
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5. Elite

If you watch Riverdale, then Elite is the original Netflix show to watch for a little more suspense and drama. This mystery to this show is that it is a Spanish thriller drama but do not worry, you can switch the subtitles to English. Elite represents a world where children can relate to being the new student, cultural appropriation, and the thrill of falling in love.

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Like Riverdale, Elite takes place in high school but with a spicer twist when three new students show up to Las Encinas apart of their elite study program. Each new student experiences the complications of forbidden love and trying to figure out the killer of one of their classmates. This show is perfect for Thanksgiving for your teens and maybe even yourself. It teaches the importance of friendship, representation, and challenging times teenagers face in high school.

One of the best parts about Elite is each episode you don’t know what to expect. Sometimes you can get frustrated with the show because of the characters but that with any show you watch. No shade to Riverdale, but Elite is the show where you don’t know what could happen next with the teenagers, twists and turns around every corner.

Elite has only two seasons thus far, as Season 3 will return next year. So, sit back with your teenagers or yourself and eat some turkey while watching Elite.