Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, especially for Linda Belcher. In honor of this week’s Bob’s Burgers, let’s look at some of Linda’s best.
Christmas is truly the most wonderful time of the year. At least, it can be but not if you’re a member of the Belcher family. As per every holiday, something always goes wrong and chaos ensues. Thankfully by the end of each Bob’s Burgers Christmas episode, everything seems to work out. If there is one character on the show who love Christmas, it is Linda Belcher. While Bob loves Thanksgiving, Linda really loves Christmas.
She’s all about decorating the tree, having fun and spending time with her family. Even when things look bleak on Christmas, Linda always has a smile on her face. In honor of this year’s Christmas episode, “Have Yourself a Maily Linda Christmas,” it’s only right that we show Linda some love. Since she loves Christmas so much, we’re going to look at 4 of her best moments from previous episodes and pick one for the newest episode.
Before we get started, there will be spoilers for the most recent Bob’s Burgers episode, “Have Yourself a Maily Linda Christmas.” If you’ve watched it, then put on your Santa hat or sing a Bob’s Burgers Christmas song because it’s time for some Christmas cheer courtesy of Linda Belcher and these 5 moments.
5. Season 3, Episode 9: “God Rest Ye Merry Gentle-Mannequins”
The first episode featured on the list is unsurprisingly the show’s first. Entitled “God Rest Ye Merry Gentle-Mannequins,” this might be the kookiest of all the Christmas episodes. When Bob inherits something from his Uncle Ernie, the Belcher family find themselves taking in Chet, a guy who claims to be mannequin come to life. As far as Christmas episodes go, it’s one of the best of the bunch despite having a pretty off-the-wall premise.
For the most part, Linda’s role in the episode is secondary. However, there are two memorable moments featuring her. The first moment that no one seems to remember is after Bob tells Chet that his long-lost love is in a dump somewhere. Once Bob says that Linda gets angry and calls Bob “Old Saint Dick,” which is easily the best Christmas burn.
As for the other moment that stands out, it has to be Linda distracting everyone while Bob and the kids go hunt for Chet’s long-lost love. To keep everyone distracted, she keeps saying Christmas all over again in different tones which surprisingly ends up working.
4. Season 4, Episode 8: “Christmas in the Car”
Moving ahead to the next episode, we’re jumping slightly ahead to season 4. If there’s one quintessential Linda episode, then “Christmas in the Car” is it. Mostly because the entire episode wouldn’t exist without her.
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The episode features the Belcher family getting a Christmas tree on Christmas Eve after it dries out which involves them getting stuck in their car and ultimately, having to deal with some Christmas shenanigans. Of course, Linda plays a huge role in the episode, making it tough to nail down her best moment.
Looking at the episode, a few moments of hers stand out to me. There’s Linda ordering a dutch baby and saying that it’s “a preemie just like Jesus.” Before they get to the diner, Linda tries to honk “Jingle Bells” at the other driver, infuriating him.
However, her best moment in the episode is at the very beginning when she insists on having a tree the day after Halloween and Thanksgiving, ultimately resulting in their tree dying on Christmas Eve. For those of you who love Christmas, it’s no doubt a relatable moment and something that would only happen to the Belcher family.

3. Season 7, Episode 7: “The Last Gingerbread House on the Left”
The next Bob’s Burgers episode we’re looking at is season 7’s “The Last Gingerbread House on the Left.” Unlike previous episodes, the family isn’t together a majority of the time. Instead, Bob gets roped into one of Mr. Fischoeder’s games with his rich friends while Linda, the kids and Teddy try to get everyone as excited about caroling as they are.
Unfortunately, since Mr. Fischoeder lives in a rich neighborhood, no one seems particularly amused. It all changes when they go to a house they’ve been avoiding and realize not to judge a person by what they hear or don’t hear.
Looking at “The Last Gingerbread House on the Left,” Linda has a few noteworthy moments but her best is when she invites Oscar to go caroling with them. Even though they thought he was a murderer at first, it’s clear he’s not and Linda makes up for that. It’s also adorable to see Oscar so excited to be included. While it didn’t happen until the end of the episode, it was such a heartwarming moment.
2. Season 8, Episodes 6 & 7: “The Bleakening: Parts 1 & 2”
Before getting into the most recent episode, it was tough to decide between the Season 8 and Season 9 episodes. As good as “Better Off Sled” was, “The Bleakening” is an experience. It was also Bob’s Burgers only hour-long special and is easily one of their most ambitious yet rewarding Christmas episodes ever.
In “The Bleakening,” we follow Linda’s mission to throw the ultimate Christmas party! It all goes great, until her tree is stolen, resulting in the kids going on a mission to find the Bleaken before Bob and Linda catch up to them. On the whole, the episode is completely wacky yet totally makes sense for the Belchers.
No surprise that Linda has a handful of amazing moments during the episode. There’s her song about throwing the ultimate Christmas party, how she acts during the party and her showing up to blow the whistle on the rave.
The moment that stands out to me is Linda freaking out over losing her tree. The main reason she’s freaking out is that she lost the ornaments that the kids made and it’s such a motherly moment. While “The Bleakening” is a bit of a dark episode, it’s a nice change of pace. Even though she eventually goes on a witch hunt, it’s still a noteworthy moment.

1. Season 10, Episode 10: “Have Yourself a Maily Linda Christmas”
The most recent Christmas episode is obviously Season 10’s “Have Yourself A Maily Linda Christmas.” If you haven’t watched yet, there will be spoilers from the episode. Linda goes to a temp job at the Post Office where a Christmas package gets left behind. Linda feels bad so she decides to take it to the sorting plant. Linda is able to sneak in the plant but doesn’t get the answer she wants so she decides to deliver the package herself.
Mike confronts Linda about the package, who eventually catches up to her as she reaches the house. The episode ends with Mike delivering the package, much to Linda’s excitement, while Bob helps Linda’s family work through their issues.
Similar to previous episodes, there are a few Linda-centric moments that stand out but overall, the entire episode was a huge moment for Linda. It was so cute, watching her make sure that the package was delivered to the guy’s nephew.
Even though it almost didn’t work out, Linda didn’t give up. While other episodes have focused on Linda, none was centered on her more than “Have Yourself a Maily Linda Christmas” and it was a nice change. While this one might not be everyone’s favorite Bob’s Burgers Christmas episode, it finally gave Linda the spotlight which is awesome.
Bob’s Burgers returns with new episodes on Fox in 2020.
What did you think of “Have Yourself a Maily Linda Christmas?” Which of Linda’s Christmas moments do you think were most memorable? Be sure to let us know in the comments!