I Am Not Okay With This ending explained: Why was Sydney covered in blood?

I AM NOT OKAY WITH THIS - Credit: Netflix
I AM NOT OKAY WITH THIS - Credit: Netflix

I Am Not Okay With This opened with main character Syndey running down the street covered in blood. The ending explained it all. Whose blood was it?

When I Am Not Okay With This opened with main character Sydney running down the street covered in blood, we knew we’d have to wait for the season finale to get answers. So, it’s time to breakdown that ending, because there was more than just answering whose blood it was.

Caution: There are spoilers in this post from the I Am Not Okay With This Season 1 finale, just in case you couldn’t guess!

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Throughout the season, we got glimpses of things to come. Sydney was running from some sort of attack that had happened. At least, that’s what we thought.

Knowing that she was struggling to control her powers, we had to wonder if she’d done something to Dina or Stanley. Instead, it turned out that it was Brad, and really, that shouldn’t have been all that surprising. Brad was a jerk, although I’m not sure he deserved having his head blown clean off.

While he threatened to expose every single one of Syndey’s secrets, Sydney’s emotions got out of control and…BOOM! Brad’s head exploded, covering everyone close to him in blood. That was how Sydney was drenched in blood.

That’s not all that happened

Thought that would be the end of I Am Not Okay With This? Of course not!

Syndey ran to the top of a building, where another storyline that kept cropping up came up. Throughout the season, Sydney kept feeling like someone was watching her. We even saw someone in a hat and trenchcoat now and then.

At the top of the building, Sydney came face to face with this person. However, we didn’t get to see who it was. It’s clear that this is the storyline for I Am Not Okay With This Season 2. Now we need Netflix to renew the series.

What did you think of the first season? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

I Am Not Okay With This is streaming on Netflix.