Fall TV is coming back to our screens and, though we will have to wait another month for CBS' full slate to air, news is coming in about the network's hit shows like FBI. The procedural is headed into its seventh season starting Tuesday, Oct. 15 at 8 p.m. ET.
Ahead of the premiere, it was announced that Katherine Renee Kane would be departing the series as Special Agent Tiffany Wallace. This came as a surprise as fans were looking forward to what would happen with her character after the conclusion of the season long arc involving the murder of Special Agent Hobbs and her quest to take down Hakim, his murderer.
Kane shared the following about her exit, "It was time to look towards new creative endeavors. I’m excited for the future and wish the show all the best."
There'd been concern among viewers that we may not get a satisfying tie-up for Tiffany as procedurals tend to write actors who exit before a new season off-screen with a few lines of dialogue from a character close to theirs who fills the audience in on the reason for their absence and then the story moves on. However, that won't be the case for this special agent.
Stills released for the season 7 premiere, "Abandoned," show Tiffany working a case with Scola out in the field. By the looks of it, we're in for an intense season opener as, according to the synopsis, the CIA will be involved. The synopsis also gives away the reason Tiffany's going to make her exit.

"The assassination of a seemingly ordinary Brooklyn plumber launches the team into a globe-spanning investigation that ruffles feathers with the CIA. Meanwhile, Tiffany struggles with fieldwork in the aftermath of the Hakim case"CBS
As expected, Tiffany is going to continue to struggle with what happened during Hakim's case. The FBI season 6 finale showed her finally getting to bring Hakim to justice but their last tango resulted in his death and the brief suspicion that Tiffany had shot him when he was unarmed. This was cleared up when a gun was found on his body but it was a moment that shook the audience.
Going off of the synopsis, it looks like it shook Tiffany, too. When she was determined to apprehend Hakim after they lost him in the wind, she was acting like a powder keg out in the field. She was the same way in the finale when she was so sure that their case tied back to Hakim in some way. Tiffany was ultimately right but it was her anger that was driving her.
It's likely the premiere will deal with Tiffany's inability to come to terms with that whole ordeal and a need to prioritize her emotional health and mental well being. Her stepping away from the team will usher in the introduction of Syd, an agent from the Behavioral Analysis unit who becomes Scola's new partner. Still, Tiffany Wallace will certainly be missed on this team.
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