BROOKLYN NINE-NINE: L-R: Melissa Fumero and Andy Samberg in the “Two Turkeys” episode of BROOKLYN NINE-NINE airing Tuesday, Nov. 21 (9:30-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. CR: Jordin Althaus / FOX
Jake and Amy throw a ‘parents-giving’ dinner while Holt recruits the best detective in the world to locate his missing pie in this week Brooklyn Nine-Nine Two-Turkeys.
It’s the Brooklyn Nine-Nine Two Turkey Thanksgiving special and Jake and Amy get the parents together for a ‘parents-giving’ dinner. Holt recruits the best detectives in the nine-nine to find his missing pie as it is stolen from his office and everyone is a potential suspect.
Thanksgiving is a special holiday for many and for Boyle it’s an excuse to get in his holiday turkey costume. Shame his tail gets caught in the elevator and is lifted off his feet.
"‘Gobble Gobble!!!’"
Mission impossible
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Jake and Amy attempt the impossible by having their parents come together for a traditional family Thanksgiving dinner. It’s no easy tasks for the two as their parents are nothing alike and both are super competitive. It all gets off on the wrong track from the very start when Amy parents arrive while Jakes dad had no pants on.
It just gets worse from there on as they both struggle to find a topic of conversation that they can have with both their parents leading Jake to talk about;
"“Hair!!!! We all have hair….”"
Amy and Jake begin to panic. They haven’t even made it to dinner yet and it’s a terrible start. Amy wishes they had a potion of some kind that would make this much easier.
"“Who wants some alcohol?”"
The drinks flow and the conversations smooth over and next thing, Jake dad is playing the piano and Amy dad is singing/humming along.
Dinner conversation is disgusting
It’s looking like they have cracked it. The big question is, can they keep it going? Just as Jake and Amy are wondering this they learn that there is a downside to drinking. Their parents’ competitive sides have come out and they start trying to outdo each other.
Amy’s dad gives Jakes a family heirloom; it’s a watch, declaring him an official Santiago only for Jakes dad to offer to pay for the entire wedding. Jake and Amy quickly put a stop to it and get their parents to dinner. However, they have two turkeys as Amy’s parent brought the own, because that’s a normal thing to do, leading to a carving competition and an interesting discussion about their parent’s sex life.
Relatable. #Brooklyn99
— Brooklyn Nine-Nine (@brooklyn99) November 22, 2017
Things end up going too far as Jakes dad, in his desperation to win, cuts his thumb off.
It’s out, it’s out
Jake gets his dad to the hospital along with his thumb in a tub of ice-cream. After it is reattached they all come together and talk about everything that happened. A heart to heart type moment happens and all the events that had happened earlier in the day are put aside. Jake and Amy’s dad embrace in a weird dad hug which gets weirder with Jakes dad private bits falling out his hospital gown.
The missing pie?
While Jake and Amy were doing all that back at the precinct a whole different chain of events was happening.Captain Holt had brought to the station house a Thanksgiving pie which he intended on taking with to his partner Kevin to a Thanksgiving party. But, it goes missing.
Holt marks everyone as a suspect but in particular, Hitchcock and Scully.
WHERE IS THE PIE?! #Brooklyn99
— Brooklyn Nine-Nine (@brooklyn99) November 22, 2017
That is, after completing a thorough forensic examination of his office realises that whoever committed this crime was no fool and indeed a master criminal. Hitchcock and Scully are cleared as suspects.
Holt turns his attention to Rosa, Boyle and Terry and begins tense interrogations on each of them to discover which of them stole the pie. Holt doesn’t get very far.
Holt recruits the best detectives
After failing to break them Holt takes desperate steps and recruits the best detectives for a job like this. Hitchcock and Scully, this case was made for them, they both know food and have skills like no other, they are the best possible detectives for the job.While Hitchcock and Scully begin their own investigation Holt runs through each of his suspects alibis.
Holt pulls them all into the briefing room and calls them out. None of their alibis checks out. All three of them, Rosa, Boyle and Terry break down and begin confessing their secrets, but none of their confessions is about the pie. Holt is no further forward in finding out the truth.
Alibies or...? #Brooklyn99
— Brooklyn Nine-Nine (@brooklyn99) November 22, 2017
Hitchcock and Scully interrupt to bring news to Holt. They found the pie. Uneaten and abandoned in the trash. The discovery of the pies whereabouts leads Holt in putting this case together. He pulls all of his suspects in just as Kevin is arriving to learn the news that the pie was taken and thrown out.
He looks stunned at the news, that is until Holt accuses him of being the culprit. He knows that it was Kevin as he placed the pie in the trash delicately with two hands. Exactly how he disposes of trash normally. Kevin comes clean and confesses that he had to. It’s a horrible pie. That they would both be embarrassed if they had brought it to the Thanksgiving dinner party and he didn’t want that to happen to Holt, he was protecting him.
Thanks to the brave efforts of Hitchcock and Scully the case of the missing pie is solved and everyone moves on and Holt and Kevin agree to try and put this behind them.
Next: Brooklyn Nine-Nine, The Venue, Recap
What did you think of this weeks Brooklyn Nine-Nine episode? What was your favourite moment? Let us know by leaving a comment below.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine returns, Tuesday, Nov 28, 9:30/8:30c on Fox