Big Brother Season 20 recap: Does Kaitlyn and Tyler’s plan to evict Swaggy succeed?

BIG BROTHER -- Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS -- Acquired via CBS Press Express
BIG BROTHER -- Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS -- Acquired via CBS Press Express /

On Big Brother Season 20, Swaggy works every angle to try to avoid eviction. One houseguest leaves the game, and a new HOH comes into power.

Some Big Brother 20 fans may consider Kaitlyn voting to evict Steve a blindside, but Steve held no power and posed no threat in the game. Also, being on the block, Steve knew there was a chance he’d be voted out.

Swaggy who is undeniably the leader of FOUTTE (former) had no inkling that Tyler and Kaitlyn were playing him. Now that is a blindside.

In the aftermath of the Veto Ceremony, Kaitlyn knows FOUTTE is no more. Kaitlyn retreats to the HOH room where she’s comforted by JC, Brett and Tyler. Even Bayleigh comes in to give Kaitlyn a hug, determined to be “nice nasty.” She plans to kiss up to Kaitlyn and do some serious campaigning to save her closest ally and BB boyfriend.

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Rockstar, Scottie and Faysal immediately begin tallying votes. They need six for a tie and seven to ensure Swaggy stays. There’s no reason to think Kaitlyn would vote in his favor, but Swaggy still wants to try to work Kaitlyn, just in case.

Kaycee, Brett, Angela, Rachel and Tyler are all guaranteed votes for Winston. And like Swaggy, Winston needs two votes to guarantee his safety.

Swaggy finally confronts Kaitlyn, attempting to clear the air. Swaggy admits to talking trash, but swears on his father’s grave that he wasn’t coming after Kaitlyn. He also pulls on her heartstrings, pointing out that if he leaves, it’s back to the “hood” for him, and he won’t get to see Bayleigh. Even though they’ve only been in the house for a little over three weeks, Swaggy hints he’s in love with Bayleigh.

Swaggy’s plan has the intended effect. Kaitlyn’s intuition tells her Swaggy needs to go, but she feels for him. She doesn’t embrace the idea of being the one to crush Swaggy’s dreams and take him away from someone he loves. Give me a giant break. Swaggy isn’t going off to war.

Still, Kaitlyn expresses to Tyler she’s having second thoughts. Tyler’s been working overtime to keep Kaitlyn on board with this plans. This means he’s had to endure a huge amount of whining, “Tyler, it’s soooo hard.”

Swaggy goes to work on Sam. She wants to know what he’s going to do, and Swaggy responds he’s going to open up and be more himself. He wants people to know Chris, not just Swaggy. This all sounds suspiciously like borderline personality disorder to me. I think the only thing Swaggy is upset about is his15 minutes of fame are about up, and he’s going to have a hard time expanding his “brand” after lasting just a few weeks in the BB house.

Swaggy tells Sam about his rough childhood which breaks Sam’s heart. In the diary room, Swaggy admits opening up to Sam is 100 percent strategy and acting. He’s not looking for friends, he’s looking for votes.

Sam actually entertains the idea of using her Bonus Life on Swaggy. After all, she got a second chance in the house, maybe Swaggy deserves one too.

I haven’t subscribed to the live feeds yet, but I have been watching Big Brother After Dark. Swaggy has spent the past few days hustling his ass off for votes, but at no time does it appear his hustling, lying, posturing, promising or apologizing is going to save him.

The time comes for Winston and Swaggy to plead their cases. Swaggy C is in full effect. He tells everyone they all suck and are failing to play the game and entertain the viewers. Swaggy genuinely believes the success of Big Brother Season 20 rests squarely on his presence in the house.

Winston keeps it short and sweet. He’s enjoyed getting to know everyone, and they should keep that in mind when casting their votes. Yeah, Winston is boring.

Brett, Kaycee, Tyler, Scottie, JC, Angela, Rachel, and Sam vote to evict Swaggy. Bayleigh, Rockstar, Haleigh, and Fessy vote to evict Winston. By a vote of 8 to 4, Swaggy is evicted from the BB house.

Julie Chen quickly points out to superfan Swaggy that he thought he was running things in the house and wants to know how he turned out to be so clueless. Swaggy claims the other players are “soft.” He also suspects someone from the other side of the house has the “gift of gab” because they keep persuading everybody to get people out from his side (at least he got that much right).

Julie questions who Swaggy feels most betrayed by, and, of course, the answer is Kaitlyn. He also throws Haleigh under the bus, believing she didn’t vote to keep him because she didn’t wear a stupid Swaggy T-shirt. Color him red when Julie reveals Haleigh did give him her vote. Ironically, Scottie, whose idea it was to show solidarity by wearing Swaggy C attire is the one who turned traitor.

In her goodbye video, Kaitlyn tells Swaggy “everything is happening for the highest good.” She goes on to say his departure is what was meant to happen for him, for her and for the entire house. Tyler outs the Level Six alliance and takes credit for getting Kaitlyn to flip and to backdoor him. A tearful Bayleigh swears it’s “Swayleigh all day,” and she’s going to “give them hell.”

Swaggy reveals to Julie that he and Bayleigh both dropped the L-word the night before the live eviction. Swaggy also doesn’t think Tyler has a shot of making it to the end and accuses Tyler of both being soft and in love with Kaitlyn (who has a boyfriend watching at home).

The Head of Household competition is called “Product Launch.” The houseguests watch two videos that are basically parodies of Steve Jobs and Apple Inc. After each video, Julie asks a series of questions about what they just saw — it’s a memory game. The last houseguest standing after seven questions is the new HOH.

It comes down to a tiebreaker between Scottie and Rachel. Scottie wins HOH.

Next: Big Brother 20 recap: A blindside, fan favorites return

Who do you think Scottie will nominate? Why do you think Scottie flipped on Swaggy? Wil the house be less interesting without Swaggy around? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

Big Brother 20 airs Sundays at 8/7c, Wednesdays at 9/8c and Thursdays at 9/8c on CBS. Tune in Sunday to see which two houseguests get nominated for eviction.