#MCM: Victor Henriksen could have been an excellent ally

SUPERNATURAL -- "Jus In Bello" -- Photo: Sergei Bachlakov/The CW -- Acquired via CW TV PR
SUPERNATURAL -- "Jus In Bello" -- Photo: Sergei Bachlakov/The CW -- Acquired via CW TV PR /
SUPERNATURAL — “Jus In Bello” — Photo: Sergei Bachlakov/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR
SUPERNATURAL — “Jus In Bello” — Photo: Sergei Bachlakov/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR /

In Supernatural Season 3, Victor Henriksen finally learned about demons, monsters, and the Winchesters’ true focus. For #MCM this week, it’s time to focus on him and why he could have made the perfect ally for the Winchesters.

I got to one of my favorite plot-driven episodes of Supernatural Season 3. It was all about the upcoming demon war, Lilith’s first appearance, and Victor Henriksen finally learned all about demons and monsters. The episode was also bittersweet. Just as Henriksen learned about the truth, he was killed off.

This was a character I actually liked from the first appearance. Sure, he was an antagonist for the brothers, but he was doing what he thought was right. As someone in the FBI, he was sure that the Winchesters were the monsters in the world. Once he realized the truth, he accepted it and worked with Sam and Dean.

With just looking at Supernatural Season 3, Episode 12 again, it shouldn’t be surprising that Victor Henriksen is my #ManCrushMonday for today. He’s an important part of the idea that anyone who isn’t the Winchesters or directly connected to them will end up dead (and remain dead). However, Henriksen could have made the perfect ally.

Henriksen had the connections

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We’ve seen it with Jody Mills. The Winchesters can sometimes call on her or Donna when there’s an issue with the law or when the law gets in the way. This would have been much easier with someone in the FBI. Henriksen would have been able to be a legitimate special agent for the Winchesters to call on when they needed their “boss” to confirm why they were in an area. This would have especially been beneficial after Supernatural Season 7.

But more than that, he’d have been able to find cases for the Winchesters. If something immediately seemed iffy, Henriksen could have called the Winchesters for some help. This was a guy who realized there were real people who needed help from monsters and ghosts and wanted to help. He was fed up with his job, but the work hunters appealed to him. He’d have stepped up when needed and called for backup when necessary.

SUPERNATURAL — “Jus In Bello” — Photo: Sergei Bachlakov/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR
SUPERNATURAL — “Jus In Bello” — Photo: Sergei Bachlakov/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR /

He had a good heart

Deep down, Henriksen just wanted to keep people safe. He made it clear to Dean that he was just working his butt off for a break every three years or so. It was a payoff that he didn’t really like, but knew that others could go killed or hurt if he wasn’t around.

Henriksen had one of the sweetest hearts around. He didn’t have ulterior motives, such as rising up the ranks. He didn’t care about the credit. Throughout his time on the series, he made it clear that it was all about catching the bad guys.

If the Winchesters needed something or vice versa, Henriksen would have worked with them. Anything to make the world better.

A smart and resourceful man

Let’s not forget that Henriksen could be resourceful. While we saw him use the FBI to its full capacity, that was the resource available to him and he knew how to work it. The Winchesters were just one step ahead of him in “Nightshifter.”

When it came to “Jus in Bello,” Henriksen needed Dean’s help to figure out a way to stop the demons. That was purely because he didn’t know how to do it at the time. Once he learned, he would have been one of the most resourceful hunters around. This would have made him the perfect ally for any hunter.

SUPERNATURAL — “Jus In Bello” — Photo: Sergei Bachlakov/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR
SUPERNATURAL — “Jus In Bello” — Photo: Sergei Bachlakov/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR /

He didn’t mind being a lone wolf

We heard how his job broke up his marriage. This was a guy who would put duty before anything else. Okay, so that’s not the life anyone really wants to lead, but it shows where his priorities are and for a good ally it’s a positive point.

Henriksen would have been able to cope with the solitary life of being a hunter. He’d have accepted that relationships could fail and loved ones could be used as weakness. To turn to a life of being a hunter, he’d just change his view of the bad buys being demons and supernatural beings instead of real humans (and sometimes, he’d even get the humans).

When the Winchesters needed help, he’d be able to drop things and go to help. It wouldn’t be a case of “sorry, I’m on vacation with the family and can’t leave it.” Safety of innocent people would always come first.

Next. #MCM: Jared Padalecki. dark

I wish we’d got to see more of Henriksen in Supernatural Season 3 and beyond. He was an excellent character with so much potential. He would have definitely made a good ally for the Winchester brothers.

What do you think about Henriksen? Would you like to have seen him more in the series? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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