Will Asgardians replace the Guardians in the MCU?


Could the Asgardians of the Galaxy comics inspire a new MCU path if Disney/Marvel Studios decide to do scrap Guardians of the Galaxy characters?

The fate of the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 script is seemingly in an unknown state at this time. James Gunn has finished it, but yet Disney has severed ties with the director due to his offensive tweets. Severing ties likely means even chucking his script.

Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has been silent on this so far, considering it was his boss, Alan Horn, that gave the order. Bob Iger was on vacation at the time. That said, it seems that decision was left out of Feige’s hands.

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It has been only rumored that Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy 3 script is going to be scrubbed, according to Omega Underground. The publication also stated that it is “a rumor meant for Twitter”. However, other sites are reporting this rumor.

It’s interesting how Asgardians of the Galaxy simply rolls off the tongue. I figured why not create a comic by the same name. Low and behold enter Cullen Bunn and artist Matteo Lolli, the new duo crew of said comic book, slated for publication and on pre-order at this point according to Bunn.

Changing the course of the MCU map by replacing the Guardians?

(Spoilers!) The new Asgardians of the Galaxy series is said to be a spin-off of the Infinity Wars series of comics, which featured Thanos dying at the hands of Requiem’s sword. The assassin at this point has not yet been identified, but apparently has the ability to slay the Mad Titan.

What is very interesting is that back in June, Comic Book Resources said Marvel teased the spin-off comic in this fashion:

"The Guardians of the Galaxy are no more. Who are the Asgardians of the Galaxy?"

The first sentence would seem very eerie and click-baitish at best if this were to be seen in a headline somewhere online, considering the James Gunn tweet debacle.

Art imitating life in the fracturing of the Guardians

What’s even more interesting, the story in Infinity Countdown shows “fractures within the Guardians of the Galaxy”, according to CBR, with Drax grabbing the Power Stone and daring anyone to take it from him. Infinity Countdown leads to the Infinity Wars storyline and then to the potential dissolution of the Guardians, according to IGN. Enter the Asgardian replacements, with the new group led by Angela.

One couldn’t help to put their conspiracy theory hat on and think the Power Stone is symbolic of James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy 3 script with Dave Bautista marching off with it. The latter is quite symbolic of his do or die attitude in only acting in the third installment should Gunn’s script be utilized.

Art imitating life anyone?

Guardians of the Galaxy
Photo: Courtesy Walt Disney Pictures Press Media/Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 /

MCU unintended contingencies in place to embrace change?

Since it is rumored that the Guardians of the Galaxy 3 movie script could be destined for file 13, I think there may be unintended contingencies in place should Marvel Studios go a different route. Cullen’s Asgardian spin-off series theoretically could be a good launching point since James Gunn’s departure, as well as the possibility of Dave Bautista parting his contractual obligations should that script not be used.

For one, ComicBook.com reported some concept art for Avengers 4 products. They said the art featured the Mad Titan with Infinity Gauntlet and a sizable blade. There had been a picture taken of an action figure pack with Thanos and a sword.

Since Marvel Studios takes its inspiration from the comics, wouldn’t Requiem’s sword, which is seemingly large according to a pictured panel taken from the Infinity Wars comic via Polygon, be the new inspiration for Thanos’ weapon which is pictured only as a concept art piece? This theory is quite far-reaching, but it almost seems quite convenient that Cullen’s series of books has come out around the time of James Gunn’s firing. It almost feels like the stars were in alignment for this to happen.

Will Disney fire Dave Bautista and do a post-snap reboot of GOTG 3?. dark. Next

Could have “The Guardians of the Galaxy are no more” tease, in hindsight, foreshadowed things to come for the MCU’s Guardians? Share your thoughts in the comments below.