Supernatural Season 3, Episode 13: Technically the first backdoor pilot

SUPERNATURAL -- "Ghostfacers"-- Photo by: Sergei Bachlakov/The CW -- Acquired via CW TV PR
SUPERNATURAL -- "Ghostfacers"-- Photo by: Sergei Bachlakov/The CW -- Acquired via CW TV PR /

Supernatural Season 3, Episode 13 technically brought in the first backdoor pilot for a spin-off. And you will likely have the theme song in your head after this recap.

Supernatural Season 3, Episode 13 was the first episode back after the long break due to the writer’s strike. It’s received a lot of mixed reviews and was technically the first backdoor pilot for a spin-off. However, the spin-off was a web series and did run for one season. There’s also an awesome episode where Castiel shows up.

But enough of that. You’re here for the recap of the episode. So, get your cameras ready to go hunting some ghosts with the “Ghost…Ghostfacers.”

Got it in your head yet?

Setting up the case

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We start off with Ed Zeddmore and Harry Spengler shooting the pilot for their new reality show Ghostfacers. Well, actually, we start with them introducing it, dressed in robes in a posh room that reminded me instantly of Tales from the Crypt Keeper. It’s soon clear that the Winchesters are at the same location.

Through flashbacks of the planning, we learn that the Ghostfacers are off to a haunted house, where a janitor’s ghost roams. He killed people at the local hospital and their spirits are now trapped in the Morton House. He only comes out on February 29, so they (and the Winchesters) have a small window to get rid of the violent spirit.

Of course, the whole group get themselves trapped in the house and now they need to work together to get rid of the spirit. The Winchesters aren’t too impressed to find out that they’re working with the two they met in “Hell House.”

SUPERNATURAL — “Ghostfacers”– Photo by: Sergei Bachlakov/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR
SUPERNATURAL — “Ghostfacers”– Photo by: Sergei Bachlakov/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR /

Corbett goes missing

Intern Corbett, who also has the hots for Ed, goes missing during the night. We get footage from Corbett’s camera and see him killed by the spirit. Meanwhile, the Winchesters explain that many of the spirits in the house are death echoes. They live out their deaths over and over again, which is soon what happens to Corbett. Dean tries to shock one of the echoes out of the loop but it’s no good. It takes someone close to help shock them.

While looking around the house in search for Corbett, the group comes across Freeman Daggert’s office. He was the owner, the janitor at the hospital, and a survivalist. He also took corpses home to play with them. He didn’t actually kill the people–except those who he now traps in his house. Not long after, Sam disappears.

SUPERNATURAL — “Ghostfacers”– Photo by: Sergei Bachlakov/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR
SUPERNATURAL — “Ghostfacers”– Photo by: Sergei Bachlakov/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR /

Finding the bomb shelter

Dean realizes that as a survivalist, Daggert would have had a bomb shelter. They head for the basement, but the door locks behind him and Spruce. The others are left in the house. Dean searches for the door to the basement, while Ed, Harry, and Maggie head back to command central and get into a ring of salt to protect themselves.

A ghost echo of Corbett shows up. When he appears a second time, Ed manages to get Corbett to snap out of the echo and Corbett heads to get his own vengeance against the violent spirit. This is just in time, as Daggert was about to kill Sam and had been fighting against Dean and Spruce.

Everyone else manages to get out of the house and we cut back to normal filming. Sam and Dean are watching the Ghostfacers pilot. The two warn the group that they’ll be laughed at for their pilot, but the group gangs up on them. Sam and Dean decide to leave a bag behind before getting out of dodge. That bag was a large electromagnet that destroyed everything on the hard drives.

Next. Supernatural Season 3, Episode 12 recap: Jus in Bello. dark

What did you think of the Ghostfacers backdoor pilot? Did you ever watch the web series spin-off? Do you enjoy watching Supernatural Season 3, Episode 13 now? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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