Supernatural Season 14 Episode 7 review: Unhuman Nature

Supernatural -- "Unhuman Nature" -- Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW -- Acquired via CW TV PR
Supernatural -- "Unhuman Nature" -- Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW -- Acquired via CW TV PR /
Supernatural — “Unhuman Nature” — Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR /

This week, Supernatural played with our heartstrings as we learned how dire Jack’s situation is. We also caught up with Nick.

Well, Supernatural, just pull on our hearts and then shock us in the end. That’s what you do best, isn’t it? I was leery about the whole Nick storyline when it was introduced at the beginning of the season, however, now I’m anxious to see where it’s going to go next.

And Jack, poor, sweet, Jack. I know I shouldn’t be so worried about him, no one ever dies on this show, but man, I’m worried about him. Let’s split this review in two parts: Jack and Nick.

“I like doing these things”

Let’s start with Nick, because it’s the shorter of the two stories from last night, and his story bookended the episode, pretty nicely.

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We open Nick’s story with him talking to a priest. Arty’s priest to be exact. Remember Arty? The neighbor he killed? Well, the priest wouldn’t break his vows, so Nick crucified him and slit his throat.

Nick also confesses to the dead priest that it feels good to do the things he’s been doing, which definitely isn’t a good sign. Nick definitely has some residual Lucifer inside of him.

Next, Nick meets up with an investigative reporter who covered his family’s murders. She tells him that she really doesn’t know any more than he does. However, he’s able to get the name of the beat cop covering his street the night of the murders. He disappeared after the killings, and the reporter wasn’t able to talk to him.

On his way to find the errant cop, Nick makes a pit stop in a dark alley. He’s watching a young woman make a call. He gets out of the car and palms his knife. He wants to kill her. And it really looks like he’s going to, but at the last minute, he yells at her to leave.

And then has flashes of himself actually going through with it. Stay tuned to the end of the article when I sing Pellegrino’s praises.

Nick finally finds the cop, and beat him to a pulp. Turns out the cop did kill Nick’s family, but only technically. Nick’s wife had called the precinct about a prowler and when the beat cop showed up at the door, he encountered someone named Abraxas. Abraxas possessed the cop, who then killed Nick’s family.

Nick seems to almost forgive the cop for his actions until he doesn’t. These were the hands that murdered his family, so Nick murders him.

At the end of the episode, Nick falls to his knees to pray. But soon we come to realize that Nick isn’t praying to God, he’s praying to Lucifer. Nick misses Lucifer and wants him back. And apparently, Nick has some power in his prayer because we start to see a skeleton forming out of black goo, most likely in The Empty.

The eyes glow red. Hello, Lucifer?

Supernatural — “Unhuman Nature” — Photo: Cate Cameron/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR
Supernatural — “Unhuman Nature” — Photo: Cate Cameron/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR /

“I’ve had a good life”

Jack is sick, and Cas can’t heal him. In fact, he can’t even figure out what’s wrong with him.  So, they take him to the hospital. Where following a hilarious checking in scene (Jack’s dad was “stabbed through the heart and exploded”), Cas, Sam, and Dean just have to wait.

The doctors can’t find anything wrong with Jack, either. And since they can’t tell the doctors the truth about what Jack is, they break him out of the hospital and bring him home to Rowena. Sam had to trick Rowena into coming, and she really doesn’t want to help Jack since he’s the son of Lucifer. However, Jack is able to charm Rowena into helping him, because he’s Jack.

Rowena discovers that because Jack’s grace is what was holding his human and angel cells together, and now that he doesn’t have his grace, his cells are basically eating each other up. He needs archangel grace in order to get better.

And while Rowena is explaining all this, Dean’s vision gets all wonky. And I’m using this as hard evidence that I was right, Michael is still inside Dean. This vision thing happens a few more times in the episode.

Supernatural Season 14, Episode 7 images
Supernatural — “Unhuman Nature” — Photo: Cate Cameron/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR /

Jack decides he needs to go out and live life, and Dean decides to go with him. They hop in Baby and give Jack some new experiences. Dean teaches Jack to drive while letting him get behind the wheel of Baby. And then they go fishing and drink beer because Jack remembers it’s one of Dean’s happiest moments with his dad.

Jack tells Dean that he’s had a good life and that the thing that he’s going to miss the most is being able to have more time with him. And then my heart broke and I started crying.

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The dynamic between Sam, Dean, Jack, and Cas these last couple seasons have been amazing. Jack has really grown on me, and I’m genuinely sad to see this storyline.

While Jack and Dean are bonding and living life, Cas has followed a lead from Ketch to a shaman. The shaman has grace from Gabriel and a spell. Sam and Dean now owe him one.

Back at the bunker, they give Jack the grace and Rowena performed the spell. Jack’s eyes glowed, and he said he was feeling better. And then he wasn’t. In fact, he’s worse. Everyone is feeling sad, and Rowena says that all they can do now is keep Jack company while he dies. Thank you, Rowena. I wasn’t using my heart anyway.

Performer of the week

Mark Pellegrino. I think it goes without saying this episode was his. The nuanced performance is par for the course for him. To play the grieving widower/father who wants justice juxtaposed with the man who has been driven crazy and desperate from being possessed by Lucifer for so long is just amazing.

There are a lot of fans who are not liking the Nick storyline, however, there are several who are in it just for Pellegrino. I, personally, don’t know how I feel about the actual storyline, but I can’t deny the talent of the actor driving it.

Next. Supernatural recap: Is there any hope for Jack?. dark

Okay, SPNFamily, what did you think of last night’s episode? Are you heartbroken over Jack? Is Michael still inside Dean? Are you liking Nick’s storyline? Let me know in the comments below.

Supernatural airs Thursdays at 8/7c on The CW