Supernatural Season 5 lore: Is there real Whore of Babylon mythology?

Supernatural -- "Dark Side of the Moon" -- Photo: Jack Rowand/The CW -- Acquired via CW TV PR
Supernatural -- "Dark Side of the Moon" -- Photo: Jack Rowand/The CW -- Acquired via CW TV PR /

The Whore of Babylon was introduced in Supernatural Season 5, as one of the signs of the impending apocalypse. Where did the show’s lore come from and is there real mythology?

In Supernatural Season 5, Episode 17, the Winchesters faced a problem on a Biblical scale. The Whore of Babylon was spreading false prophecy, causing as many humans as possible to go to hell.

Like with most Supernatural lore, the Whore of Babylon was developed from real lore. The series even mentioned where the original lore came from: The Book of Revelations in the Bible. So, what is the show lore and the real lore and how do they link?

The Supernatural Whore of Babylon

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In the series, the Whore of Babylon was a false prophet and evil entity, sent from Hell to send as many people to Hell as possible. Posing as the daughter of a pastor, Leah, she manages to control the town and turns the people into a militia. She supposedly offers an Enochian exorcism to get rid of the demons, but it’s later revealed that she’s been controlling the demons.

The only way to kill her was with a stake made from a Cypress tree branch. However, it would require someone to being a servant of Heaven to do that, limiting the possibilities.

The real Biblical mythology

It was clear that the Whore of Babylon was taken from the Bible. However, there isn’t just a mention in Revelations. The first mention is in the Old Testament when Babylon gave birth to a great empire. The Whore of Babylon was arrogant, self-righteous, and proud. She was sure that she would live forever and never know the loss of husbands or children.

After the fall of Babylon, mentions of her are more symbolic. During Revelations, she’s mentioned as riding a scarlet beast and would spout blasphemous names. She is mentioned as having seven heads and 10 horns, and in her hand would be a cup of impurities and abominations from her sexual immorality.

The Whore of Babylon isn’t necessarily one person. There are mentions of her sitting on many waters, suggesting that she represents different people. During Revelations, she’s also described as the reason people have fornicated, meaning they’re going to hell.

It’s clear the idea of the Whore was used for Supernatural Season 5. This has been the case numerous times throughout the series, adding the show’s own take to mythology.

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What did you know about the real Whore of Babylon mythology? What did you love about the Whore in Supernatural Season 5? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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