Bob’s Burgers: Which Season 3 episode is most underrated?

Photo Credit: Bob's Burgers/Fox, Acquired From Fox Flash
Photo Credit: Bob's Burgers/Fox, Acquired From Fox Flash

Season 3 of Bob’s Burgers is when the show came into its own and got a larger episode order to boot. Of all the episodes, which one is an underrated fave?

Seasons 1 and 2 of Bob’s Burgers feel like a distant memory now. With a combined total of 22 episodes, Season 3 has more than both seasons. Of all of the seasons, Season 3 is when the show became close to what we know of today. Looking back at Season 3 is going to be a little tougher than the previous two as there is a lot more ground to cover.

A running theme is that the series always has a few standout episodes, maybe one or two bad but is mostly made up of good episodes. With each season, the series has a handful of underrated episodes. Since the series is on hiatus, what better time to look through each season and find the most underrated episode?

Before reading ahead, there will be spoilers for Bob’s Burgers. You will be spoiled for Season 3 if you haven’t yet watched. As per all these lists, this is only my opinion. If you don’t agree, feel free to share your thoughts or what episode you consider the most underrated from the said season.

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Going into all the reasons why Season 3 of Bob’s Burgers is awesome would take an eternity. In looking back at Season 3, it’s clear to see that the writers were having fun. Along with having fun, they were also taking risks with the characters we had only been briefly introduced. Season 3 gave us our first taste of holiday episode, more singular-focused character stories and introduced music as a larger theme of the show.

Simply put, Season 3 of Bob’s Burgers is still arguably one of the best ever produced. Even though it aired almost 7 years ago, some of the episodes could be featured in later seasons and still make sense. It’s truly baffling to look at how much Bob’s Burgers has changed but at the same time, it hasn’t. Season 3 is where the decision-making gets a little bit harder. While Seasons 1 and 2 had a few underrated episodes, Season 3 has tons.

Season 3 does have a ton of memorable episodes but especially the holiday episodes. Starting with “Full Bars,” before transitioning into “An Indecent Thanksgiving Proposal,” “God Rest Ye Merry Gentle-Mannequins” and “My Fuzzy Valentine,” a holiday with the Belchers is always memorable but not underrated. It’s nearly impossible to find an underrated holiday episode from Bob’s Burgers as that’s what most people focus on.

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Skipping past holiday episodes, one that stands out as incredibly underrated is “Ear-sy Rider.” As the opening of Season 3, it helped set the tone and gave us a lot more insight into Louise. The episode follows Louise’s ears being stolen and the journey she goes on to get them back. It’s extremely memorable for Louise fans but not as underrated as other episodes.

Another honorable mention has to be “It Snakes a Village.” When the family goes to visit Linda’s parents in their retirement community, it ends up being an adventure. For the kids, they become snake hunters while Bob and Linda aid her parents in a unique problem. What makes it so memorable is that it’s the first time the Belchers go on vacation but doesn’t hold much significance besides featuring an off-the-wall plot.

Memorable underrated episodes aside, there is one episode that no one seems to talk about from Season 3. Entitled “Lindapendent Woman,” the episode follows Linda, getting a part-time job to help the family. As the first Linda-centric episode, it does something different than the show has ever done before. We’ve never seen Linda branch out from Bob’s dream so it was nice for her to get a chance and to see how the two dealt with life without each other.

In a way, it was heartwarming to watch the one struggle without the other. “Lindapendent Woman” might not be everyone’s favorite, but it certainly doesn’t get the attention it deserves. It’s a pivotal moment in the series that rarely gets discussed.

Do you agree with my choice or does another Season 3 episode stand out? Be sure to let me know in the comments!