Best of the 2010s: 10 animated TV shows that defined the decade

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Photo Credit: BoJack Horseman/Netflix, Acquired From Netflix Media Center /

9. Bojack Horseman (2014-present)

While the first show on the list was centered around kids, we’re not going to forget about those animated TV shows for adults. Released in 2014, Bojack Horseman was Netflix’s first attempt at adult animation and boy was it a success. Unlike some of the other TV shows on this list, Bojack Horseman is somewhat of a gateway show as it was something that both animated fans and people who don’t watch it as much can both enjoy.

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The premise for Bojack Horseman might sound absurd, but given what the character is, there’s really nothing too outlandish. Following former actor, Bojack Horseman, it’s basically Bojack trying to make a comeback after a role on a sitcom in the ‘90s. Additionally, the show also features side characters including Bojack’s agent/sometimes girlfriend Princess Carolyn, his “rival” Mr. Peanutbutter, roommate, Todd and ghostwriter for his memoir, Diane.

Bojack Horseman has been praised as one of Netflix’s best original programmings. Additionally, the series inserts a lot of real-world commentary into the series. It has tackled depression, drug addiction, death and sexual harassment among many topics that most shows wouldn’t even bother touching. While the show hasn’t won an Emmy yet, it’s on its way. With the series continuing Season 6 in 2020, we still have a lot more of Bojack to look forward to.