Will Dean be able to cope and help Sam in Supernatural?

Photo Credit: Supernatural/The CW by Dean Buscher Image Acquired from CW TV PR
Photo Credit: Supernatural/The CW by Dean Buscher Image Acquired from CW TV PR /

Dean has always been there for Sam but can he really be there for him now?

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Supernatural is really toying with us this season. We first went into it with a bunch of the main characters either killed off or temporarily dead and Dean was at his lowest point ever. It quickly brightened up with the introduction of Nougat-loving Jack, Sam pulling Dean out of the big black pit of misery (helped by Castiel’s return) and Wayward Sisters becoming a reality.

Then, just like that, they went and spun it back on us. Sam is now filling the empty void left behind by Dean in that big black pit of misery, as the toll of the hunting life and with what happened to Kaia it has all become too much for Sam.

But, it is the Winchesters, and in true Winchester brother style, Dean has got Sam’s back. Sam helped Dean and now it is time for Dean to take on the supporting role, but can Dean actually really be there for him?

Photo Credit: Supernatural/The CW by Dean Buscher Image Acquired from CW TV PR
Photo Credit: Supernatural/The CW by Dean Buscher Image Acquired from CW TV PR /

This will be a first for Dean

Dean has definitely been there for Sam when he has needed him most. But this is a whole different scenario. Dean has supported Sam through the trials, through a crazy Sam phase, soulless Sam phase etc but Dean has never had to support Sam through depression.

Can Dean be the support Sam needs?

Depression is no picnic. Anyone who has, or had, depression or anyone who has supported someone dealing with depression will know that it is not an easy thing. There is no real magical cure, no ‘man up’ pill that some people would like to think.

Being able to support someone through it is no easy thing either. Not everyone can support someone and be there for someone suffering from depression. Sam has always been the more supportive of the two brothers. Can Dean show that same level of support when it comes down to it,  will he be able to, in a way, be Sam?

If Dean can’t help Sam then what?

So if Dean is unable to support Sam, expect someone else to come in and be there for him. Dean is certainly not someone to be all childish about not being able to do something, so if he is unable to help Sam himself expect him to find someone who can.

Supernatural cast
Photo Credit: Supernatural/The CW by Dean Buscher Image Acquired from CW TV PR /

Now that could be one of two possibilities: Dean either performs some hoodoo with a spell or he brings someone in who can be supportive to Sam. While Supernatural has always been about Sam and Dean Winchester, they do have allies out there.

Some possible ideas could be Castiel, whenever he gets out of Hell prison, a fellow hunter that they haven’t seen in a while, one of the Wayward Sisters or maybe someone from the AU universe. Sam and Dean have allies, and one of the best things about those allies has always been that they are always willing to answer the call when needed.

Next: Is the Grimoire a clue on how Rowena will return?

What do you think? Will Dean be able to be able to help Sam through this time or will he need to rely on someone else? Leave a comment below with your thoughts?

Supernatural returns, Thursday, February 1 on The CW Network.