Why I’m torn about the return of Rick and Morty


So there’s this cartoon show called Rick and Morty. Maybe you’ve heard of it?

Rick is the universe’s smartest man, and a raging alcoholic to boot. Morty is his less than average grandson forced to join Rick on crazy adventures. Chances are even if you haven’t seen it you may have come across at least one of the million pop culture gems it has spawned in its tiny three seasons. Pickle Rick sound familiar? Get Schwifty? Mr. Meeseeks (look at me!).

Rick and Morty have become the cosmic cartoon icons of this generation. With only 31 episodes it has forced itself upon the pop culture stratosphere with its graphic, outrageous and yet deeply human form of storytelling. It will be as garish as forcing young Morty to smuggle watermelon sized seeds up his anus to get through inter-galactic customs. It will also force Rick to turn himself into a pickle to avoid family therapy, pointing out the faults in us all and what we will do to avoid self-examination and healing. Man, that’s a little too deep. My point is it’s awesome!

A dilemma…

Now back to that moment I was crashing over. See, we’re waiting for Rick and Morty season 4 now. By we, I mean the world. But you got that. There are rumors swirling with theories questioning why Adult Swim has yet to commission creators Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon to get back to work. Is it so big now Adult Swim would rather sell it to a major network and make a squanch? Maybe they’re negotiating over workplace conditions? Maybe Roiland and Harmon have simply run out of ideas? The point is – I just don’t know if I want this fourth season.

Photo Credit: Rick and Morty/Adult Swim Acquired from Turner Press Room
Photo Credit: Rick and Morty/Adult Swim Acquired from Turner Press Room /

Now again, I’m hardly a critic. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say I’ve watched each season at least three times. It’s just great entertainment. And there are multiple storylines I do want to see completed. Like where did Tammy and Phoenix Person go? How is Mr. Poopy Butthole and his young family? And most importantly – will we see a true confrontation between our Rick and his nemesis, Evil Morty? The same Evil Morty now all of a sudden running things at the Citadel.My concern though revolves around the notion that is best stated by Harvey Dent in Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight“.

"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain – Harvey Dent"

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The reality is, the longer a show runs, the greater chance it has of crumbling into a smoldering pile of irrelevance. This writer grew up a mad fan of the Simpsons. Still, to this day, my benchmark of all sitcom comedy. Once it hit its stride in season 3 through to around season 8, it had a golden period. Classic, fast-paced, random yet introspective comedy. Then the ideas started running a little thin.

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Even The Simpsons did it…

We started seeing Homer become less of the faulty everyman, who at the end of the day still loved his family dearly. Yes, he was selfish and made mistakes, but mistakes we could relate to. Mistakes he would fix. Remember when Mr. Burns was willing to give Homer a fortune and a Hawaiian Island for his childhood bear, Bobo? Homer refused because sweet as pie Maggie wouldn’t let Bobo go. How Homer has changed. Now he lets his young son Bart stay tied up naked to a light post as a prank. Yes, the Simpsons is still a worldwide sensation, but it lost its comic quality 20 years ago.

The Simpsons
Photo credit: The Simpson’s/FOX; Acquired via FOX Flash /

Family Guy went through a similar, albeit more meteoric rise and fall. They started hot and again was a relatable family. At least as relatable as one that has a talking dog and world-dominating baby. The ideas dried up though, and their identity became more and more about how far they could push the boundaries. Yes, it still has its moments. Yet for sheer cleverness, wit, and originality it is no longer the show we fell for when baby Stewie first tried to kill his Mom.

Be a Rick or be a Morty?

In fact, this decay happens to the best of our favorite comedies. It’s no one’s fault. These shows that bring rays of sunshine and happiness to our meandering daily routine are just as mortal as we are. Which is precisely why I cannot for the life of me decide whether Rick and Morty should come back.

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They could fly off into whatever sunset they want right now, at the height of their popularity. Enraging fans, they would. Set the world on fire, they just might.  Being remembered forever as one of the greatest comedies duos ever created would be their legacy. Or they continue, pander to the masses and risk episode by episode their own spontaneous combustion. I feel like I know what Rick would do. Then again, there’s nothing wrong with taking a page out of Morty’s book once in a while –

"Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody’s going to die. Come watch TV – Morty Smith"

Would Ike to like see another season of Rick and Morty? Sound out in the comments below.