Top 5 reasons why we love Castiel mentoring Jack

Photo credit: Supernatural/The CW; Aquired via CW PR
Photo credit: Supernatural/The CW; Aquired via CW PR /
Supernatural Season 14
Supernatural — “The Bad Place” — Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR /

This is the storyline teaser we’ve been waiting for on Supernatural. Castiel made Kelly a promise that he would take care of Jack, and now it looks like he’s going to get to make good on that.

When Kelly was pregnant with the child of Lucifer in Supernatural Season 12, the whole universe had some question about what would come from its birth. As a result, poor Kelly ended up with a figurative neon bullseye on her back. She said Jack showed her how wonderful things would be and after Castiel received his own vision, the promise was in place. He would take care of Jack, teach him, make sure that future he saw had the chance to be a reality.

Now that Jack has had a little time on Earth, made some serious bonds and learned some things, he finds himself beginning of Supernatural Season 14 without a spark of the power he’s so used to learning to control. Not only are we going to see him struggle with that, but his own father stole his grace and then sparked-out to death so there is going to be some trauma there.

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Jack is also missing his brother in arms, Dean, thanks to an unwelcome continued possession by the Apocalypse World’s version of the archangel Michael. Jack is going to need that protection and guidance now.

Here are the top five reasons why we are excited to see Castiel step up as Jack’s support system and mentor through these crazy days ahead:

#5 They have both lost their grace 

Supernatural Season 13 Episode 6
Supernatural — “Tombstone” — Photo: Bettina Strauss/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR /

Castiel will have a lot to offer Jack in the way of “I get it, I do.” He had his own grace stolen and had to experience the world as a mere mortal for much longer than he would have liked.

However, during that time, he was also able to get a grasp of some very real human things. He got hungry, had a powerful interest in the ladies, and really didn’t love the fact that all that delicious food and drink had to find a way back out.

Perhaps most importantly, he experienced feelings. Once he got back into his angel groove, all those experiences became wisdom. This will be an ideal fit for showing Jack emotional support as he navigates the world with nothing more than the next fella.

Supernatural — Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR
Supernatural — Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR /

#4 They have both lost their fathers 

While we are talking about Lucifer, he’s technically Jack’s father. Those abandonment issues are surely compounded by the extremely significant betrayal he has now added on. Think about it, your very own father lies to you, kills people you care about, betrays you in every way you can (can’t) imagine.

Then to top it off, when you figure out the facade, he rages on you and snatches away your power for himself and says he’ll destroy the universe if you don’t kill someone you love. Then he dies. What a punk! That’s a guaranteed setup for bumpy future relationships.

Castiel knows a lot of this pain for himself as he spent so very long missing his own father, God. When the creative deity took his leave, Castiel had to go from a loving, loyal follower to a Commander with no one to turn to for guidance.

He had pain and confusion to contend with and had to make decisions about right and wrong, which he wasn’t initially set up to do. When he finally learned of his father’s continued existence, it was quickly followed by him vanishing once again, and possibly forever. Castiel can certainly relate.

Supernatural — “Tombstone” — Photo: Bettina Strauss/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR /

#3 They have both lost their Dean 

Dean is family. Family is everything. Castiel has a long story with Dean and we all know they are totally best friends. Castiel realized how much he cared for Dean (and his other humans) while he was mortal and he has taken that very seriously. He has literally gone to the far reaches of the universe for him before and is certainly willing to do it again.

Jack knows Dean, Sam, and Castiel as his absolute family. Nothing will come between him and their safety.

Plus, he misses Dean as much as Castiel. Add to that the probability that Jack feels some level of responsibility for the whole Michael!Dean situation and you have the recipe for a quest.

Misha Collins Supernatural Season 13 Episode 23
Supernatural — Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR /

#2 Castiel was ready

Castiel read every baby book ever made in preparation for Jack’s birth. He was all set to go with a truckload of diapers on hand and all the knowledge a human father could only wish to acquire. Kelly knew she was not going to survive Jack coming into the world and all she could do was build his little bed and talk to the blossoming nephilim in her mind.

Awesomely, he talked back, and together they shared the plan that Castiel would be his father. He would raise him, protect him, teach him how to be an angel and a man. Once Jack gave this vision to Castiel, showing him the future that would come to pass if all went as planned, Castiel swore to do this job.

However, Kelly warned Jack that he would have to grow up fast once she understood the danger he was facing. Imagine Castiel’s disappointment and confusion when Jack was born a young adult.

Even after Jack tried to bond with Lucifer, Castiel stayed on the front line. Even when it seemed Jack needed no one’s help, Castiel has always been there. Finally though, Jack needs him and Castiel will have the chance to give him the wisdom, guidance, and protection he prepped for.

Supernatural — Photo: Robert Falconer/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR
Supernatural — Photo: Robert Falconer/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR /

#1  It’s destiny 

Castiel had to protect Kelly through her pregnancy so they holed up in a tiny, warded shack with a pickup truck full of diapers. Eventually, the word got out and there was immediate trouble.

Every angel, demon, and hunter in the universe wanted that child to either be destroyed or be theirs. Castiel convinced those he did to lay off by explaining that he had seen the future and this creature was the only way. And anyone who didn’t like that would have to go through him, personally.

This perfectly wonderful Earth was a promise guaranteed by Jack, Kelly, and Castiel, and we want to see it! Obviously, Supernatural just wouldn’t be the same without a crisis to contend with, but can we please have something from this perfect promise start to manifest? This is going to be pretty awesome.

Next. Season 14 Episode 3 spoilers!. dark

What’s your #1 reason why Castiel mentoring Jack is going to be amazing? Is this the storyline we’ve all been waiting to see? Let us know what you think in the comments!

Supernatural Season 14 premieres Oct. 11 at 8/7c on The CW. Follow SPN Hunters on Twitter to see updates and news first!