Supernatural: What’s up with Dean right now?

Supernatural -- "Unhuman Nature" -- Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW -- Acquired via CW TV PR
Supernatural -- "Unhuman Nature" -- Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW -- Acquired via CW TV PR /
Supernatural — “Unhuman Nature” — Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR /

While most of Supernatural Season 14, Episode 7 was focused on Jack and Nick, there was some progression on Dean. What could be wrong with him? It’s time to look at the possibilities.

Supernatural Season 14, Episode 7 delivered a strong episode of emotional, sweet moments, a focus on saving Jack, and development for Nick, Lucifer’s vessel. But it also gave us a little more development for Dean after Michael.

Before I get into anything else, I will say that there are spoilers in this post if you haven’t seen the episode yet. If you read the recaps before watching episodes, you can read ours from last night. If you want to avoid all spoilers, how about checking out my top Supernatural episodes?

Those who are still here, you either know what happened or you don’t mind spoilers. So, let’s get into it.

Supernatural — “Unhuman Nature” — Photo: Cate Cameron/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR
Supernatural — “Unhuman Nature” — Photo: Cate Cameron/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR /

Dean and his blurry vision

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At certain points throughout the episode, titled “Unhuman Nature,” Dean suffered from blurry vision and a bit of ringing. As Hidden Remote points out, this came at strategic points, when everyone discussed how to help Jack. It would suggest that there was something inside Dean that was reacting to Jack, archangel grace, or the situation as a whole.

This likely tells us that it’s something to do with an archangel. More specifically, Michael.

We knew he’d done something to Dean. The djinn saw something inside Dean’s head and was visibly shocked. I still need to rewatch the episode to see, but Dean’s eyes may have done something funny too, similar to the way his eyes kind of glowed when he was suffering from the blurry vision in this episode.

What does this mean? I have a few theories and they don’t involve Michael still being in there somewhere. That’s certainly a possibility, but I’m thinking outside of the box here.

Supernatural Season 14
Supernatural — “Gods and Monsters” — Photo: Robert Falconer/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR /

Michael has set up a way to see through Dean

My main thought throughout the episode was that Michael has put something inside Dean to be able to see what’s going on. Think of it like a camera inside of Dean’s head.

Harry Potter fans may appreciate this. Remember when Harry was connected to Voldemort because a part of Voldemort still lived within Harry? That’s the possibility here. A part of Michael still lives within Dean or he’s just left something behind to keep them connected.

Michael wants to know what’s going on, especially when it comes to Jack. He wants to make sure he’s ready against one of the only creatures that could potentially take him down.

It’s all about archangel grace

Because the blurry vision came when talking about archangel grace and saving Jack, there’s also the chance that some archangel grace has accidentally been left inside of Dean. Is it possible that it’s the grace that is reacting to the conversation? Maybe even that it wants to help?

The group tried to use Gabriel’s grace with a spell to help Jack, but it made things worse. Is it possible that the grace of all archangels is needed to make this work? Or maybe the grace from the most powerful archangel?

How about it’s the grace of the only archangel still alive? That would mean Apocalypse Michael and his grace could be inside Dean to connect with the need to save Jack.

Supernatural Season 14, Episode 7 live stream
Supernatural — “Unhuman Nature” — Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR /

Jack’s grace is somewhere inside

Now this theory is admittedly a little far-fetched, but run with me for a moment. When Michael!Dean killed Lucifer, is it possible that grace transferred? We didn’t see it happen but then there have been other things we’ve never physically seen until the show does a flashback — like when Crowley smoked out of his body and into a rat to keep himself alive.

Could Jack’s grace have left Lucifer’s dying vessel and gone into the nearest person or nearest archangel? That would have been Michael!Dean.

If it’s Jack’s grace that’s the only thing powerful enough to keep Jack’s body in check, we could see that it’s Jack’s grace reacting. It wants to get out and into its rightful body to save its owner.

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Why do you think Dean saw blurry vision? What’s going on in Supernatural? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Supernatural continues Thursdays at 8/7c on The CW.