25 Days of Sam-mas Day #3: Why Sam is the perfect mentor for Jack on Supernatural

Supernatural -- "The Bad Place" -- Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW -- Acquired via CW TV PR
Supernatural -- "The Bad Place" -- Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW -- Acquired via CW TV PR

Jack has three mentors/dads in the Supernatural Men of Letters bunker: Sam, Dean, and Castiel. As part of the 25 Days of Sam-mas, what makes Sam such a perfect mentor for the young nephilim?

25 Days of Sam-mas is a way to countdown the days to Christmas and bring some Sam-focused content throughout the month. Today it’s all about how Sam is the perfect mentor for Jack on Supernatural.

There’s no doubt about it that Jack has three mentors/dads. Each one brings something different to the table, but Sam has experience that none of the others do. He can offer the young nephilim something unique, and for Sam-mas Day #3, it’s time to look at that.

He knows what it’s like to live with darkness

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From the very beginning of Supernatural, Sam had has to deal with a darkness inside of him. We were first introduced to him having visions connected to the Yellow-Eyed Demon and his other Special Children. At the time, he had no understanding of what was happening to him and we learned with him along the way.

As the seasons went on, the story unfolded. By Season 5, we learned he was connected to Lucifer; he was Lucifer’s true vessel. Everything had led to this point and there was always this darkness inside him.

He knows what it’s like to live under the shadow of darkness, of feeling like a freak. When Jack struggled with that darkness and connection to Lucifer, Sam was the one who could relate and use his experience to help.

Supernatural — “Byzantium” — Photo: Diyah Pera/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR
Supernatural — “Byzantium” — Photo: Diyah Pera/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR

Sam learned to control abilities

While they may have been from darkness, Sam had experience in learning to control his abilities. Sure, there was manipulation in all that, but he had figured out how to grow his powers to the point that he could kill demons with just his mind.

Jack needed to learn how to control his abilities in Supernatural Season 13. It made sense for Jack to be left in the bunker with Sam. Out of the two Winchesters, Sam was the one who could help train Jack. He understood what it was like to have that power inside and want to use it for good.

And it was because of Sam that Jack was able to gain the initial control. He learned more about who he was and what he could do.

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Supernatural Season 4, Episode 15 best lines
Supernatural — “Death Takes a Holiday” — Photo: Sergei Bachlakov/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR

That feeling of being inferior

In the most recent season, Jack has felt powerless and inferior. While there has been focus on Castiel’s understanding of that feeling, Sam has also felt it too. For a long time, he felt inferior to his brother. Dean was the leader and was the one who would take on everything and anything.

Sam felt like the kid brother and the freak. He didn’t want to step up as a leader out of fear that he would fail. When he gave up using his powers in the fourth and fifth seasons, there was that feeling of helplessness. He couldn’t stop demons in their tracks the way he once could and that made him feel weak.

Yes, Castiel definitely made a good mentor in this moment of Jack’s life, but so did Sam. We can’t overlook how much Sam could offer when Jack needed it.

All three characters have something to offer Jack. Sam has certainly been a perfect mentor when Jack has needed it. He has the experience of everything Jack feels and is going through. What do you think about Sam’s ability to mentor Jack? Share in the comments below.

Follow SPN Hunters on Twitter for more 25 Days of Sam-mas to countdown to Christmas in a Supernatural way.