After a long break, Supernatural returned and with it brought in a new monster and a solution to both the Michael problem and Jack’s soul.
Well, who else did not see that coming? I was wondering how Supernatural was going to top its 300th episode, especially after being gone for so long, and I wasn’t disappointed in the least. The first half of the episode just seems like a typical monster-of-the-week episode, however, the last half pushed the plot further forward than any episode so far this season.
Let’s talk about the Gorgon, Noah, before we move on to the part of the episode we really want to talk about. This is the first time we’ve seen a Gorgon on the show, and it’s really nice to see the show introducing us to new monsters 14 seasons in. And I will have to say, even though the actor playing the Gorgon did an amazing job, I found myself a little bored with the first half of the episode.
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Coming off the 300th episode, I felt a little disappointed we were slowing way down. However, the first half did a great job at setting certain things up. Like with his story about the snake and the chicken. And knocking Dean out in order to move forward with getting rid of Michael.
Mostly the first half of the show was about character development. We were reminded of everyone’s relationships with everyone else. Like how far Rowena has come, and how well she and Sam work together. And the relationship between Jack, Cas, and Dean.
Once Jack in a totally badass move beheads the Gorgon, we quickly move into the second half of the episode where things really begin to pick up. Dean is knocked out, and he won’t wake up.
Jack wants to use his powers, but Cas won’t let him. Cas doesn’t want Jack to sacrifice his soul. The two of them talk about the Gorgon’s story. Jack asks Cas what it means, and Cas explains that the story is basically about “being willing to give up the thing you love to kill the thing you hate.” As Jack begins to question whether he’s the chicken or the snake, there is yelling and crashing from the other room: Dean’s awake.

Dean’s awake and freaking out. Michael is gone. He’s left the lockup in his mind. Earlier in the episode, Dean explained to Cas that he has to be constantly on guard; if he relaxes even a little, even to sleep, then Michael could escape. Being knocked unconscious in a fight was definitely letting his guard down.
There’s screaming in the war room, and our boys go running. Only to find a massacre. Michael has killed all the Apocalypse World hunters. All of them. I know I wanted the bunker to be empty, but I don’t think I meant having them all slaughtered. I was growing to like Maggie, and I’m incredibly sad she’s been sacrificed.
And then surprise of all surprises, Michael comes sauntering out as Rowena. And Ruth Connell does an amazing job being Michael. It’s so awesome getting to see these actors stretch their wings this season.
Micheal begins slowly torturing Cas, Dean, and Sam, and then Jack has enough. He becomes the chicken, so to speak. Sacrificing his soul in order to kill the thing he hates. He uses his powers and knocks back Michael, saving his friends. And then it’s an all-out battle.
Michael taunts him. Calls him a child. And Jack utters probably the best line he’s ever uttered since his existence. A line that had me cheering at my computer screen: “I’m not a child. I’m the son of Lucifer. I’m a hunter. I’m a Winchester!”
Then Jack places his hands on either side of Michael’s head and forces him out of Rowena’s body. As Michael is swirling around in the air, Jack burns him up and then consumes his grace. He turns to face his family and declares that Michael is dead and that he is back to himself. And then we see his wings.
Now, we wait a week to see if there were any repercussions to Jack using his powers like he did. Does he still have a soul?
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Performer of the week
Alexander. Calvert.
Jack had to show a range this week, and Calvert did an amazing job. Jack was getting sick again, and he had to hide using his powers. Calvert was able to play a weakening Jack. He was also able to play Jack as hiding his power usage from Cas and Dean. He was very subtle about it, but the audience could tell he was having a hard time hiding the secret from his family.
We also saw his love for his family. He doesn’t like the idea that he’s essentially immortal, and Sam and Dean are not. The hurt in his face when he learned this detail was heartbreaking.
Finally, the last act, the last scenes, we got to see Jack from last season back. Jack with his full powers protecting those he loves. He finally was able to defeat Michael. The way Calvert delivered that speech before expelling Michael was enthralling.
So, SPNFamily, what did you think of the episode? Is Jack’s soul doomed? Please let us know in the comments below.
Supernatural airs Thursdays at 8/7c on The CW