5 LGBTQ Supernatural characters that need to be celebrated this Pride Month

Supernatural -- "Wayward Sisters" -- Image Number: SN1310c_0078.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Clark Backo as Patience, Yadira Guevara - Prip as Kaia and Kathryn Newton as Claire -- Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW -- © 2017 The CW Network, LLC All Rights Reserved
Supernatural -- "Wayward Sisters" -- Image Number: SN1310c_0078.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Clark Backo as Patience, Yadira Guevara - Prip as Kaia and Kathryn Newton as Claire -- Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW -- © 2017 The CW Network, LLC All Rights Reserved
Felicia Day
Supernatural — “Book of the Damned” — Photo: Diyah Pera/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR

It’s Pride Month and The CW disastrously attempted to sacrifice it. Some important LGBTQ characters were missing, including these five Supernatural people.

While Supernatural isn’t known for its diversity, there have been a number of LGBTQ characters over the years. We’ve already marked Charlie Bradbury as being missing from the CW’s disastrous attempt to celebrate Pride Month, but there were many more.

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Supernatural has introduced more LGBTQ characters in recent years, but there were the odd ones in past seasons. Some stand out more than others and it’s important to celebrate the sacrifices, the fights-for-humanity, and the friendship these characters have offered.

Whether you’ve tuned in from the very beginning or you’ve only been with the show for a few years, you’ll know many of these characters. You know that they need to be celebrated this Pride Month.

As a note: Our Charlie Bradbury isn’t going to be included on this list. I’ve already shared that she deserved to be on the CW’s LGBTQ poster. Also, Dean and Castiel won’t appear because (as much as I’m not against it) Destiel is not officially canon in the show as a relationship.

Here are five LGBTQ Supernatural characters that stand out the most and are worth celebrating.

Supernatural — “Wayward Sisters” — Image Number: SN1310c_0329.jpg — Pictured (L-R): Kathryn Newton as Claire and Yadira Guevara – Prip as Kaia — Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW — © 2017 The CW Network, LLC All Rights Reserved
Supernatural — “Wayward Sisters” — Image Number: SN1310c_0329.jpg — Pictured (L-R): Kathryn Newton as Claire and Yadira Guevara – Prip as Kaia — Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW — © 2017 The CW Network, LLC All Rights Reserved

Claire Novak

Season first appeared: Season 4

In a relationship? No. Her first love, Kaia, died in “The Bad Place,” and we haven’t heard if Claire is with anyone since.

Why we should celebrate him/her I know Claire gets a lot of flack. To be honest, she’s not my favorite out of the Wayward Sisters characters but that doesn’t mean she’s a bad character. When you consider everything that Claire has been through, it’s not surprising that she has an attitude and remained guarded at all times.

It’s sweet that Kaia was the first person she was really able to let her guard around. She keeps some of it up around Jody and Alex, despite them being family to her now.

Claire is a strong and independent woman. She’s managed to survive both her parents leaving her behind — yes, Jimmy did it to save her but he still left her! — and she still puts other people first. Now that she’s a hunter, she goes out on a limb for strangers. There’s no need to know about their backstories, as long as the monsters are put away.

And when it came to helping the Winchesters, Claire was there. She knows that she owes them for everything she has now and was able to put her fight against other monsters in the world on the backburner to step in and help them.

At the same time as helping the Winchesters, Claire was able to connect with Kaia. She found a way to help soothe the pain Kaia had inside, opening up her heart, even though she knew it could end up broken.

Supernatural Season 14, EPisode 6 best lines
Supernatural — “Optimism” — Photo: Michael Courtney/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR

Apocalypse Charlie

Season first appeared: Season 13

In a relationship? Not that we know of but she was in a serious relationship in the Apocalypse World before the apocalypse happened.

Why we should celebrate him/her I said our Charlie wouldn’t be on this list. However, Apocalypse World Charlie does deserve a mention. She’s one of those characters who isn’t everything like our version of the character but she is a good person to have by your side.

Charlie has done everything she can to protect others. When the apocalypse happened, she could have just sat back and allowed herself to be killed by the angels. Instead, she remains a strong leader within the resistance, refusing to talk even when under interrogation from angels and threatened with death. Charlie would do anything to protect the people around her.

We haven’t got to know her too much, but it’s clear there’s pain there. She misses her girlfriend and misses the world she had. There’s a regret of a life that could never be, and it clearly pains her when Sam tries to make her into the Charlie he once knew.

However, while they’re different people, they’re still somewhat the same. Charlie is level-headed and smart. She’ll find a way to look out for those she loves. While she talks about wanting to be left alone and never hunt again, she knew deep down that Sam was right. She could never turn her back on helping people.

“Ghostfacers”– Pictured (l-r) Travis Wester as Harry Spengler, A.J. Buckley as Ed Zeddmore in SUPERNATURAL on The CW. Sergei Bachlakov/The CW©2007 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
“Ghostfacers”– Pictured (l-r) Travis Wester as Harry Spengler, A.J. Buckley as Ed Zeddmore in SUPERNATURAL on The CW. Sergei Bachlakov/The CW©2007 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Alan J. Corbett

Season first appeared: Season 3

In a relationship? No, but he did have a crush on Ed Zeddmore

Why we should celebrate him/her: Alan J. Corbett was the Ghostfacer that had the most to offer. He was the one that was able to help save the Winchesters and his friends in death. And he will always be remembered fondly.

As the intern at the Ghostfacers, he was often the forgotten member of the group. Nobody really saw the potential he had, the amount he was willing to offer. And everyone overlooked the fact that he had a crush on Ed Zeddmore. In fact, Ed was completely oblivious to Corbett’s affections.

Corbett was the sweetest and kindest member of the team. He never wanted recognition for anything that he did, simply just wanting to help the team and help other people. It was bittersweet that he would be the one to die and offer the ultimate help in death. When he returned as a Death Echo, Ed was able to snap him out of things and get him to help.

If it wasn’t for Corbett, the group wouldn’t have gotten out of the house alive. Sam would have definitely been killed and one-by-one, the others would have been abducted. There’s no way that we can forget this shy but sweet man.

Supernatural — “Celebrating the Life of Asa Wilder” — SN1206a_0298.jpg – Pictured (L-R): Kendrick Sampson as Max Banes and Kara Royster as Alicia Banes — Photo: Diyah Pera/The CW — © 2016 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved
Supernatural — “Celebrating the Life of Asa Wilder” — SN1206a_0298.jpg – Pictured (L-R): Kendrick Sampson as Max Banes and Kara Royster as Alicia Banes — Photo: Diyah Pera/The CW — © 2016 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved

Max Banes

Season first appeared: Season 12

In a relationship? Not that we know of.

Why we should celebrate him/her: Max Banes is an openly gay witch-hunter, who was first introduced to us when he and his sister, Alicia, were at Asa Fox’s hunter gathering. As a natural witch, it would have been easy for the hunters to turn on him making him want to hide that side of him, but he doesn’t want to hide any part of him.

Max isn’t ashamed of who he is. But he’s also fiercely loyal to the people he loves and cares about. He’ll even cross lines when it comes to the people he loves. While that isn’t something to celebrate in its own right — I do wonder if his storyline with Alicia will show up in Supernatural Season 15 — it does show his grit and determination.

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There’s also the human element to him. Who wouldn’t have used the magic to “bring his sister back” if they could have? He knows his sister isn’t real but that doesn’t stop him from wanting something of her with him.

Max will put his life in danger for the people he loves though. Like Dean and Sam, he is willing to do whatever it takes to find and help them. We saw that when he put his own life at risk looking for his mom after she disappeared.

If we love the Winchester brothers, we have to love the Bane twins for many of the same reasons. Max is definitely worth watching out for and I’d love a spin-off with him!

Supernatural — “Don’t Go in the Woods” — Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR
Supernatural — “Don’t Go in the Woods” — Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR


Season first appeared: Season 14

In a relationship? In a relationship with Stacy

Why we should celebrate him/her: This could have been confusing since I’ve already included a Max on this list. However, they both first appeared in different seasons.

Max is the young girl who had recently moved to Lebanon during the 300th episode of the series. We had a chance to see what the Winchesters are like from the outside world — as if we were just meeting them without knowing who they were.

Quickly proving herself to be willing to steal a car and a daredevil of sorts, Max also proved herself to be extremely loyal to her friends. She quickly fit in with the group and doesn’t care what other people think. However, she also treats others in a similar way at first glance. She didn’t care too much about stating things like they were to Jack when he tried to make friends with them.

When things get out of hand, Max is clearly the woman you want around. She is able to take charge and think on her feet. At least, that’s the opinion I’ve gained from the short stint we’ve seen of her on Supernatural.

There are high chances we won’t see Max again. After all, she was used more as a way to give Jack a hope of friends (sort of) his own age and a chance to show that Jack is without a soul. With just 20 episodes left of the series, there isn’t much time to further develop her character.

Which LGBTQ Supernatural characters are you celebrating this Pride Month? Who has stood out for you throughout the years on the show? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Supernatural Season 15 premieres on Oct. 10 at 8/7c on The CW.