Supernatural throwbacks: What exactly happened to Adam again?

"Swan Song" - Jake Abel as Adam Milligan, Jensen Ackles as Dean in SUPERNATURAL on The CW.Photo: Jack Rowand/The CW©2010 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
"Swan Song" - Jake Abel as Adam Milligan, Jensen Ackles as Dean in SUPERNATURAL on The CW.Photo: Jack Rowand/The CW©2010 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

The last time we saw Adam was in Supernatural Season 5. He’s returning in Season 15. What exactly happened and how could he come back?

If you’ve forgotten what happened to Adam Milligan in Supernatural Season 5, then you’ll sort of fit in with the Winchester brothers. They seem to have forgotten about their half-brother, only thinking about him when others bring him up.

It turns out that they may get the reminder and ability to finally get him back from Hell. So, if you have forgotten about him, you’ll want to know what happened and where he is now. For those who haven’t forgotten, there’s the question of how Adam could return in Supernatural Season 15.

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The last we saw of Adam, he’d been possessed by the archangel Michael and was pulled into Lucifer’s Cage when Michael tried to stop Sam taking Lucifer back to Hell. The four of them remained in the cage until Castiel saved Sam (albeit without a soul). Poor Adam was stuck there, tortured by Lucifer and Michael.

Well, at least, that’s what we’re left to believe. There is the theory that Adam isn’t actually in the cage. Some have the theory that Adam made a deal. After all, he was pulled from Heaven and brought back to life just so he could be a vessel for Michael, as the youngest son of John Winchester. He had the blood that would make that possible. Adam may have agreed but only if his soul was sent back to Heaven, where it belonged.

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Would angels make that sort of deal? There’s a chance, but it’s more likely that Adam is definitely in Hell, trapped in the cage with Lucifer and Michael—now only Michael.

Supernatural — “Point of No Return” — Photo: David Gray/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR
Supernatural — “Point of No Return” — Photo: David Gray/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR

So, how could he come back in Supernatural Season 15? We’re looking at the fact that the souls of Hell have been released. The dead are walking and the gate to Hell has been opened. This could have opened the gate to Lucifer’s cage long enough for Adam to get out.

Is it possible that we’ll get Adam walking the Earth as a spirit? He’d more than likely turn into a vengeful spirit, looking for vengeance against the Winchester brothers for what happened, especially the fact that he was just left to be tortured.

Supernatural — “Jump the Shark” — Photo: Sergei Bachlakov/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR

Another idea is that Death will get him. She has the ability to get into the cage since her predecessor was able to get Sam’s soul. Could she go into the cage for someone who would be able to help whatever mission she is currently on? She’s not afraid to bring back the dead right now, heading to the Empty for Jack at the end of Season 14.

There are plenty of questions about the final season, and we keep getting more with news of characters returning. Now you have your quick reminder of Adam to start your theories on how he could come back.

How do you think Adam will return to Supernatural Season 15? What are your thoughts about the returning characters? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Supernatural Season 15 will premiere on Oct. 10 at 8/7c on The CW.