The ending of Stateless miniseries, explained


Here’s everything you need to know about the Stateless finale.

By the finale of the Netflix miniseries Stateless, there were many questions that needed to be answered. Would Sofie be reunited with Margot? Would Ameer and Mina receive Visas?

Would the pressure of running the day-to-day-operations of Barton Immigration Detention Center finally take its toll on Clare and Sanford? Luckily, the Stateless finale gave us those answers. Here’s everything you need to know about the finale of Stateless.

Stateless miniseries summary

The miniseries follows four individuals at Barton Immigration Detention Centre in Australia. In the series premiere, we meet Ameer, an Afghan refugee fleeing persecution with his wife and daughters. We then meet Sofie Werner, an Australian citizen who finds herself being detained at Barton after escaping a dangerous cult and attempting to flee to Germany with a stolen passport.

Finally, we meet Cam Sanford, an Australian father of two who begins working as a guard at Barton, and Clare Kowitz, the center’s new supervisor. Throughout the miniseries, these four individuals’ stories are intertwined and provide a compelling narrative through which we see the flaws that lie within the immigration detention system.

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As the series progresses, Ameer’s optimistic outlook on the immigration process changes as he realizes securing a visa for him and his daughter will be much harder than he thought.

Meanwhile, as the effects of indoctrination and sexual assault at the hands of a cult fronting as a dance troupe called GOPA, and detainment take their toll on her, Sofie becomes a prisoner in her mind. As Clare and Cam attempt to keep Barton Immigration Detention Center running smoothly, the pressure of running the day-to-day operations push them to the brink.

What happens to Sofie, Margot, Clare and Cam in the Stateless finale?

Shortly after Sofie went missing, her sister Margot began a search to find her.

After receiving a tip from Sofie’s ex-boss, who claimed he saw Sofie being arrested in Queensland and taken on a plane back to Australia, Margot began checking the country’s immigration detention centers. Through her investigation, she locates “Eva Hoffman,” the alias that Sofie gave the authorities, at Barton.

After Margot faxes the immigration department a photo of Sofie, the department’s director contacts Clare and informs her that Sofie must be removed from the premises before the media arrive to cover the Human Rights Commission’s (HRC) annual visit. Sofie is quietly removed from the premises and taken to a local hospital where she is reunited with Margot, although she’s a shadow of her former self.

Although Clare successfully followed orders, she nevertheless ended up leaking the story of Sofie’s detainment to the media, having finally realized that the detention center could not continue to allow their mistakes to be swept under the rug.

Meanwhile, Cam, who’d taken the job to provide for his family, and was one of the few guards to treat the detainees with kindness, quickly became jaded. As the stress of the job began to take a toll on his mental health his marriage, as well as his relationship with his sister, suffered. After Cam took out his pent-up anger on their children, his wife kicked him out of the house.

The last straw for Cam came when, after being promoted to coordinator, he was tasked with removing an older man from the courtyard prior to the HRC’s visit.

After Jawad attempted to intervene, Cam brought him to the back of the compound, away from the cameras, with the intention of beating him. However, after Jawad taunted him, telling him that Cam’s family would see what Cam had become, Cam let him go and sat down with his back against the wall, mentally exhausted.

Later that day, he would call his wife in a hysteria, begging her to forgive him.

Following that call, he would walk out of the building, not looking back as his sister, who’d been protesting, followed.

Why does Ameer lie about Mina?

After Clare and the caseworker showed Ameer footage of him with the people smuggler, Claire informed him that he’d be charged with the same crime unless he told them the truth about how he acquired the money to come to Australia. To make matters worse, Ameer would leave the meeting to find that his daughter Mina had attempted suicide. With his daughter whisked away to the infirmary, and Mohsin unwilling to confirm his story, Ameer was desperate.

Ultimately, he would decide to lie to Clare and tell her that Mina was not his daughter and was actually an unaccompanied minor so that she might get a protection visa.

The next day, Mina is indeed given a protection visa and goes to live with a foster family. However, before she leaves, Ameer and Mina say their goodbyes, and Ameer tells her that he will reunite with her someday. Unfortunately, we never find out if that dream became a reality.

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What did you think of Stateless? Were you satisfied with the ending? Let us know.

Stateless is available to stream on Netflix.