Sam Winchester has had some standout moments in Supernatural throughout 2018. What have been his best? Here’s a rundown for the 25 Days of Sam-mas.
Day #24 of the 25 Days of Sam-mas is here. It’s a bittersweet moment. I love that we’re getting closer to Christmas Day, but I’m sad that Sam-mas is about to be over. What a ride it’s been with the Supernatural fandom.
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We’ve looked at some of the biggest moments for Sam over the years. We’ve looked back at his transformation, his Season 1 storyline, his funniest moments, and even some of the changes we’d like to see in the future. Now it’s time to look back at 2018 specifically.
Later today, I’m bringing the best episodes of the series from 2018, but before that, it’s time for Sam-mas. This is a chance to look back at Sam Winchesters’ best moments from the year. I’ll look at everything from the start of January all the way to the last episode.
For this, I’m only looking at the new episodes that aired in 2018. There were reruns (mostly of Season 13 in the summer) but this is all about the Season 13 and Season 14 episodes that have aired in 2018. This does mean that some of my favorite moments from the beginning of Season 13 can’t be included (they were 2017 moments), but that’s the way life goes.
Here are the best 15 Sam Winchester moments from 2018.

15. Finding a workaround to get his mom back
When it happened: During the penultimate episode of Supernatural Season 13, Mary Winchester made it clear that she couldn’t leave the Apocalypse World hunters to face Michael alone. Instead of just complaining like Dean, Sam stepped up and understood her reasons. He even found a workaround to make sure everyone would go back to their world.
Why it was one of the best: This was huge for Sam. After already sharing his disappointment that Mary had never chosen him (and always called Dean) and fearing that he’d never get his mom back, Sam managed to put his own pain and disappointment to one side. He’s always been a selfless character and it was in this moment we could really see how it could work for everyone.
While Dean argued with Mary, Sam took a step back. He saw her point of view and if the tables were turned, I could see Sam wanting to make the same choice as Mary. Plus, he found a way to protect everyone. Good thinking, Sammy!
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14. Putting his own fears aside to get Mary and Jack back
When it happened: I’ll admit that I didn’t like that Dean and Castiel kept ignoring Sam’s fears, but once again, Supernatural Season 13, Episode 21 showed us how selfless Sam is. When push came to shove, Sam was able to put his own fears of Lucifer aside to find a way to open the rift.
Why it was one of the best: Facing fears is something the Winchesters do regularly. This was just one of the biggest fears going. Facing off against Lucifer was a major step for Sammy, giving us the reminder that he’s completely selfless. Now if only he was the one that could have killed Lucifer to make up for this.
13. Trying to help Gabriel after getting him back from Asmodeus
When it happened: Out of all the people who could have helped Gabriel get through the PTSD of torture, it was Sam Winchester. In Supernatural Season 13, Episode 18, Sam stepped up to help understand Gabriel’s fears and offered to be someone to talk to should he need it.
Why it was one of the best: “Bring ’em Back Alive” was a powerful episode for Sam Winchester. After Gabriel had tortured him with Dean’s death way back in Supernatural Season 3 and put Sam and Dean in the TV world in Season 5, we got to see Sam help Gabriel.
Once again, it was a sign of Sam’s selflessness. This would help Sam do the things needed in Episodes 21 and 22, while also helping Gabriel redeem himself.

12. Getting Rowena to come help Jack
When it happened: Our first from Supernatural Season 14 and it happened in Episode 7, “Unhuman Nature.” When Jack was close to death, Sam managed to find a way to get Rowena to the bunker, where he was able to tell her the full truth.
Why it was one of the best: There’s a bit of a plot hole in the fact that Rowena should have already known who Jack was, but I can overlook it for the character development. I love that Sam’s first thought to save Jack when modern medicine couldn’t do anything was Rowena. He was a step ahead of everyone else and made it sound like Dean was in trouble to get her to rush over. He knows her weaknesses.
11. The initial doubt of guilt
When it happened: Another one for Supernatural Season 14 and this time Episode 5, titled “Nightmare Logic.” When Maggie goes missing, Sam is immediately filled with doubt and guilt. While not a positive moment, it opened it up for character development.
Why it was one of the best: It’s the character development that makes this one of the best moments for Sam Winchester in 2018. Everyone suffers doubt as a leader and there is always the guilt when someone who’s following you gets hurt. What we ended up with was more of a bond forming between Sam and Mary, as she supported her son’s decisions and helped him overcome this hurdle.
10. Helping Gabriel get revenge
When it happened: In Supernatural Season 13, Episode 20, Gabriel turned to the Winchesters for help to get rid of the demigods that had been responsible for him becoming a prisoner of Asmodeus. While Dean didn’t want to help, Sam was the one to stand up to the challenge.
Why it was one of the best: We all know that revenge doesn’t really work out. This is something Sam learned early on in Supernatural and something he’s helped others learn along the way. But at the same time, he understood that need for revenge. He could understand everything Gabriel was going through.
This moment gave us another selfless moment. He was willing to help Gabriel despite everything that had happened.

9. Reluctantly admitting he knew the Scooby Doo episode
When it happened: In the Scooby Doo crossover, we knew that Dean would be in his element. One of the best moments was knowing that Sam knew the episode too. As much as he didn’t want to enjoy the time with the Scooby Gang, he found his place with Velma.
Why it was one of the best: Okay, so things were definitely awkward between Sam and Velma, but this was just a fun episode. Sam’s best moments don’t always need to be full of character development. “ScoobyNatural” certainly wasn’t but it reminded us that he used to be a kid who loved cartoons, too.
8. Using the Men of Letters’ skills to the hunters’ advantage
When it happened: From the beginning of Supernatural Season 14, we’ve seen Sam take on the role of leader. To do that, he took the best parts of the Men of Letters and used them to his advantage. He’s made a real team out of the American Hunters.
Why it was one of the best: We got to see that Sam can see the good in the bad. As much as we’ve disliked the British Men of Letters, it’s hard to deny that they haven’t had some good ideas in tackling monsters and supporting each other. They’re a team and look out for each other.
Sam shows his ability to see the good from the bad. He’s made a team out of a group of hunters, keeping the world and the hunters safe.
7. Sam refusing to kill Jack because he’s family
When it happened: There’s no denying that the Supernatural Season 13 finale was a strong moment for Sammy. When he and Jack were taken by Lucifer and ordered to kill each other, Sam refused. In this moment, he made it extremely clear that Jack is family.
Why it was one of the best: We’d already heard Dean call Jack family and we know that Sam thinks of Jack as family, but it was the finale that gave us that bittersweet moment. Despite everything that Jack had done at this point (hoping that Lucifer was good and misunderstood), Sam made it clear that he still thought of Jack as family. He would rather die before killing Jack.

6. His breakdown with the axe
When it happened: One of the best moments has to come from Supernatural Season 14, Episode 8. After Jack’s death, Sam drives off and you start to fear the worst. Will he try to make a deal? No, he’s building a funeral pyre for Jack.
Why it was one of the best: This was one of those heartbreaking moments. We got to see just how much Jack’s death has affected each of our three leading men. Sam was the one there for Jack in his final moments and he wanted to be able to do something right. He couldn’t even make a funeral pyre because of the axe.
5. Helping Apocalypse Charlie realize she needs people
When it happened: Again, Season 14 gave us a beautiful moment and all linked to revenge, helping people, and hunting. While struggling to see that Apocalypse Charlie and his Charlie were different people, he did manage to help this version of the character. He helped Charlie realize that she needs people.
Why it was one of the best: There is no way out of hunting. Sam has learned that over the years. He’s also learned that people need people. We’re social animals. Everything he’s been able to pick up over the years was included in this one episode as he selflessly helped Charlie realize she’s better with others around.
4. Making it clear a King of Hell is not happening
When it happened: In the Season 14 premiere, Sam knowingly walked into a trap. And in that moment, he was able to surprise everyone with his confidence. “There will be no new King of Hell.”
Why it was one of the best: Sammy wasn’t messing around in this moment. It was a side of him that we’d been waiting years to see and we finally got it. Sam made it extremely clear that he wasn’t letting another demon take over the running of Hell. Demons were not allowed to bond together and he was willing to do everything it took to keep the world safe.

3. His honesty about life
When it happened: Supernatural Season 13, Episode 11. When Sam and Dean are on the drive back from helping Donna (after Doug breaks up with her), Sam makes it clear that he doesn’t think he’s in a dark place. It’s just their lives.
Why it was one of the best: This was a heartbreaking moment but also gave us some major character development. We could see that Sam was drowning in guilt and depression, but he couldn’t. He was rationalizing it with everything that had happened over the years. Yet, the honesty was important. The Winchesters have spent years lying to each other and pretending everything is fine but Sam has learned that doesn’t work.
2. Telling Rowena the truth about seeing Lucifer’s face
When it happened: Supernatural Season 13, Episode 12 gave us one of the most powerful moments of the whole series. After years of holding it all in, Sam found someone he could open up to about seeing Lucifer’s true face.
Why it was one of the best: Rowena has never been one to open up to people. She and Sam are very much the same. In this moment, we finally got that true bond forming between the two characters. Up to this point, the bond had mostly been between Rowena and Dean, so it was excellent to see that Sam meant the world to her (and vice versa in a way) too.
1. Finally stepping up as a leader
When it happened: It was the moment we’d all been waiting for. Supernatural Season 14’s premiere gave us a leader that we could be proud of. Despite Dean being gone, Sam was able to step up to make sure Dean was found while keeping the world save from other monsters and creatures.
Why it was one of the best: There were always hints that Sam was a good leader. Season 12 gave us that moment of him leading other hunters against the British Men of Letters, but it was Season 14 that finally showed him with some confidence as a leader.
The downside was that Sam was burning himself out. But the upside was that he made it clear he could juggle multiple responsibilities far better than anyone else, including Dean.
What were your favorite Sam Winchester moments in 2018? Which Supernatural moments stood out for you? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Follow SPN Hunters on Twitter for the last day of the 25 Days of Sam-mas tomorrow.