5 best Sam moments in Supernatural Season 14

Supernatural -- "Stranger in a Strange Land" -- Photo: Bettina Strauss/The CW -- Acquired via CW TV PR
Supernatural -- "Stranger in a Strange Land" -- Photo: Bettina Strauss/The CW -- Acquired via CW TV PR
Supernatural — “Jack in the Box” — Image Number: SN1419b_0217b.jpg — Pictured: Jared Padalecki as Sam — Photo: Diyah Pera/The CW — © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Supernatural — “Jack in the Box” — Image Number: SN1419b_0217b.jpg — Pictured: Jared Padalecki as Sam — Photo: Diyah Pera/The CW — © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Continuing the look back at Supernatural Season 14, it’s all about Sam Winchester. What were his five best moments from the season?

Sam Winchester received a lot of character development in Supernatural Season 14. This was the season for him to step up as a leader, his chance to step out on his own as he went in search for his brother and tried to keep a group of hunters and survivors from another world together.

Before looking forward to the final season, we’re looking back over Supernatural Season 14. Today it’s all about Sammy. Like looking back at Dean’s top five moments from the season yesterday, I’m looking at Sam Winchester’s top five moments.

These moments take place across the whole season. There are some from the very start of the season, while others took place at the very end. And whether you agree with Sam’s passiveness or not when it came to trapping Jack, there were some moments in his personality and development that are important mentions.

These are the moments that the final season will need to top. Is it going to be possible? That’s going to be exciting to see and we’ll have to wait for October to find out. For now, let’s look at the top five Sam Winchester moments in Supernatural Season 14.

Supernatural Season 14, Episode 8 recap
Supernatural — “Byzantium” — Photo: Diyah Pera/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR

5. His breakdown with the ax

When it happened: After Jack’s death in Supernatural Season 14, Episode 8, the Winchesters and Castiel commiserated the death and celebrated Jack’s life. It was a sad time for all, but Sam seemed to take it the hardest. Everything he’d tried to do had failed.

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At one point, we feared that Sam was going to make a deal with a crossroads demon to bring Jack back. However, Dean and Castiel found him heartbroken by a pyre. All Sam wanted to do was to give Jack the hunter funeral he deserved and his ax had broken. This was the moment he felt utterly useless.

Why it was one of the best: Every season, Sam spends some time broken. This season it was Jack’s death. Losing Jack was like losing a child. The Winchesters and Castiel understood how Bobby felt when both Sam and Dean had died at their respective times.

However, this was one of Sam’s standout moments. He knew that bringing Jack back wasn’t an option. That wasn’t something he even wanted to do.

At this moment, we saw Sam just wanted to honor Jack’s life and make sure absolutely nothing could possess him. He just wanted to give him a hunter’s funeral, marking the end of his life.

Supernatural Season 14, EPisode 15 live stream
Supernatural — “Peace of Mind” — Photo: Jeff Weddell/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR

4. Sam pushing through the witch’s spell

When it happened: Supernatural gave us a fun episode during Episode 15, titled “Peace of Mind.” Sam and Castiel took on a case, giving us more of their developed bond. While Castiel initially had a bond with Dean, the time spent searching for Dean and hunting alongside Sam had strengthened this relationship.

“Peace of Mind” saw Sam affected by the witch’s spell. He believed he was someone called Justin and it felt like he was back in the 1950s. However, a fight with Castiel helped Sam see sense and break through the spell.

Why it was one of the best: This was a chance to see, once more, just how strong Sam is inside. So many others had died from the witch’s spell, but not Sam. He managed to fight through with Castiel’s help.

This moment also gave us another look at just how much Sam was struggling inside, just how much he was holding back. He wanted the apple pie life because it was easier. Why live the life of a hunter with everything that was going on?

Sam was at one of his weakest points, but he showed the inner-strength that we always knew he’s had. In my opinion, this was more outstanding than fighting against Lucifer in Supernatural Season 5.

Supernatural Season 14, EPisode 19 sneak peek
Supernatural — “Jack in the Box” — Image Number: SN1419b_0037b.jpg — Pictured: Jared Padalecki as Sam — Photo: Diyah Pera/The CW — © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

3. Finding it hard to go against Dean

When it happened: This was a moment in the Supernatural Season 14 finale and the episode before it. As a way to deal with Jack, Dean put the suggestion forward that they put Jack in the Ma’lak box.

It wasn’t something Sam wanted to go through with. He wasn’t happy with trapping Jack and he certainly wasn’t happy with lying to the boy. However, his natural personality shone through as Dean was so certain this was the only way.

Why it was one of the best: This is the moment in the end that I know not everyone will agree with. Sam stood back and accepted that trapping Jack was the right option. One of the elements that I didn’t like was that Sam didn’t step up and say “we’ll trap him for now but we will keep looking for a way to help him.”

However, after watching this moment again, I realized something. Sam didn’t feel like he could say no to Dean. Despite the fact that Sam had stepped up as a leader earlier in the season, by the end, he’d reverted back to following Dean’s lead. That’s just where he’s comfortable in life, and it made it difficult for him to stand up against Dean about Jack.

He was also clearly uncomfortable with trapping Jack. When it came to it, Sam was the first of the Winchester brothers to accept that this wasn’t right after all.

Supernatural Season 14 premiere
Supernatural — “Stranger in a Strange Land” — Photo: Bettina Strauss/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR

2. Sam stepping up to become a leader

When it happened: The very first episode of the season delivered us one of Sam Winchester’s strongest moments of the entire season. Sam stepped up as a leader when Dean was missing. He had no choice, but so many would have crumbled. Sam showed us everything that we knew he was capable of.

The moment that stands out the most is at the end of the episode. As Kip makes it clear that he wants to become the King of Hell and with a deal like Crowley, Sam makes his thoughts clear. There would be no new King of Hell.

Why it was one of the best: This was one of those moments that was refreshing and exciting. For years, we knew that Sam Winchester would make a good leader. This was pointed out clearly in Supernatural Season 12. I honestly wanted to see that development continue and it just fizzled into nothing.

With Dean gone (and I’m certainly happy Sam was searching for Dean, unlike what happened in Season 8!) Sam had to tackle so many duties. He needed to find his brother, help the Apocalypse World hunters build a system that would be safe and effective, help Jack with the loss of his powers, and deal with the Nick situation.

It was a lot to put on his shoulders. Yet, Sam didn’t complain. He stepped up and gave us hope for more development in the future.

Supernatural Episode 300
Supernatural — “Lebanon” — Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW — Acquired via CW TV PR

1. Getting closure with John

When it happened: The 300th episode of Supernatural delivered a Winchester-focused episode. This was all about bringing throwbacks to the past, focusing on the Winchester family being together in full, and getting some much-needed closure.

Sam’s number one moment has to be the discussion that he had with John during this episode. He didn’t blame John for anything. The anger Sam once felt had changed. The revenge Sam once needed had gone. We got a heart-to-heart, especially with John sharing just how proud he was of his son.

Why it was one of the best: This was a moment we’d needed for so long. Just as Sam and John were mending fences in Supernatural Season 1, it was all halted. John was taken away from the Winchesters at the start of the second season when John made a deal with Azazel to save Dean. There was so much left unsaid.

While not conventional, Sam got that chance for closure. The best thing was that it was a version of John from a past, one that had turned his back on Sam recently because of college. This was the best version of John to get closure with, because John’s emotions about Sam leaving were still raw. The closure for Sam was honest.

What were your favorite Sam moments during Supernatural Season 14? What would you love to see for him in the final season? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Supernatural Season 14 is now available to stream on Netflix. Watch Season 15 from Oct. 10 at 8/7c on The CW.